Chapter 09: An Unforgettable Honeymoon

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Miracle of Love

I thought that I was living a happy, merry, exciting and fascinating life. But it's nothing when compared with the life when you're in love. One day I realized that my life was black and white, and only love was embellishing it with striking colors. What is more, every new day brings new colors that completely surprise me by their multiformity. It's like I found myself in a new world; the world just of two persons, where we will live eternally.


Not long after their wedding, the two lovers embarked on two week long adventure in Iceland. First, then went horseback riding to sight see the majestic landscape as well as enjoy observing wild life they stumbled. Much to their enjoyment, such hopes had been realized. The clouds rolled over the mountains in the horizon like a pack of sheep frolicking over a fence.

The cold and harsh winds brushed through the grass of the isolated lands. There was not a single piece of civilization in sight; it was like the land had never been stood upon by man. The breeze and the natural sounds their horses made were the only sounds to disturb the lands' beautiful, serene silence.

Beauty was everywhere to be discovered. The ancient mountains watched over the frozen tundra as though they were truly gods of the Earth.

The lovers could see silent rabbits every now and then; to which attracted the brief presence of fox. When they came to a small clearing along their trail, they unexpectedly saw a small herd of reindeer only a couple hundred yards away. It had been an overwhelming honor for them to have even see them in their natural habitat.

After the enlightening experience in nature, Arthur then took Rick to Blue Lagoon. It's said to be one of the greatest 'Wonders of the World' by many. The reason behind it being the most picturesque locations was due to it being a natural geothermal spring with extraordinary healing properties. The water contains endless minerals collected from the grounds' lava. The milky blue water having a high content of silica, along with algae and other natural salts. The waters temperature of 99-102 degrees Fahrenheit allowed for its popularity and unrepeatable natural abilities to come about.

A few days later, they then went to hang out at Reynisfjara; the planet's most breath taking black sand beach. Such a place has sand with high concentrations of black volcanic glass, making it seem other worldly. They walked along the shimmering sand with great tranquility enveloping them without choice. The experience was indeed completely enchanting. They were able to enjoy the contrast between the black sand, while foam and slightly blue waters of the ocean. The basalt columns only made their experience that much more enthralling.

Two nights before they were to fly back home, Arthur then revealed that he had one more surprise left to share with his beloved Rick.

Making sure to keep him blind-folded, the marine drove them to an isolated place more so up hill. Even though the trip took half an hour, Rick knew the long wait would be worth it in the end.

When they had finally arrived to the preplanned destination, Arthur patiently led his temporarily blind husband to the best viewing spot he could find. "Where are we?" Rick asked as he felt the cold breeze travel passed them, the previously undisturbed snow crunching beneath their boots.

"I've brought us to a place where we can catch a glimpse of Heaven itself." he answered vaguely, anxious to see his reaction instead of the view. "Behold." he declared, then gently removed the blind-fold from obstructing his vision.

Confusion rippled through out his entire being when he found themselves surrounded by shadow and snow covered forestry. There was absolutely nothing that surprising as he looked around for any clue of why they were there so late in the night. Then it happened, the renaissance of the sky. A phantom of pale luminescence painted itself across the ink of night. What had once been black and white was soon washed with a mirage of fluttering beauty.

Its gentle blues and mint greens danced seductively across the darkened world. It blackened the sky behind the spectacular light show, dabbling the once faint stars with glowing alabaster until they twinkled starkly against the obsidian abyss. Not only did it paint the sky, but the landscape also found itself adorned with splashes of rippling color. It transformed simple and everyday sights into beautiful catchers of breath and celebrated portraits of romantic reality.

High it shimmered, cementing both a utopia of beauty and a timeless sense of untouched majesty into the faded hills it graced.

Just seeing the wonder and enthrallment on Rick's face was all he ever wanted to see. In that very moment, they were both proven yet again that they belonged together. A fact they were more than eager to exploit as long as it made the other happy and was the right decision. They were true soulmates, and nothing could change that.

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