Chapter 11: Support

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"Trust is like a mirror. You can fix it if it's broken, but you can still see the cracks in that motherfucker's reflection."
-- Lady Gaga


The exact moment Arthur became aware of the serious accident, his brain struggled to function. His son. His ex-fiancé. They had to be okay. They had to be. He and Rick sped to the hospital, Arthur frantically pushing the sped limit without a single care towards the building. They were beyond lucky to not have been pulled over while on their way. "They'll be okay. They'll be okay." Arthur chanted over and over, his mind only able to think of Logan's safety  both mentally as well as physically and Synthia's state of being.

When they finally parked the car, both of them swiftly jumped out and ran inside to talk to the secretary. Seeing as the marine was erratic and completely inarticulable to deal with any kind of pleasantry. Without Arthur being able to, Rick was given the information they needed to know in order to find Logan.

Arthur  followed after his beloved Rick with a racing mind. As they walked further into the medical building, the tension and the torment  of not knowing began to suffocate them both; but never at the horrendous extent Arthur was struggling with. To those that didn't know them, passing them by in the hallways, they saw him as though he were insane. His messy hair said devastated. His wide, always searching eyes made it seem as though he were seeing ghosts everywhere he looked. His panic was obvious, sickening.

Walking into his son's room, fresh tears began to trickle down his face without notice. Just seeing him in a hospital bed, medically tended to and what seemed to be unconsciousness, almost shoved him head first into the void. Just as German philosopher Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche once wrote, 'When you look long into the abyss, the abyss looks into you.'

Almost reluctantly, Arthur slowly approached his sleeping son with intense sorrow for what had happened. Though, when he sat on a nearby chair and held his child's hand, he found himself both relieved and worried. "I'm so sorry, Buddy. I'm so sorry." he whispered, hoping for him to be okay.

Rick whispered to Arthur in a gentle embrace. "I could go get us some  coffee." After getting Arthur's silent agreement with his offer, the sheriff then gave him a long kiss of condolence and left the room to give them some much needed privacy.

Slowly, Arthur then looked over Logan's chart at the end of his bed. When he read of his son's severe concussion and moderate bruising, he couldn't help but sigh; both in relief and sorrow. Not wanting to overwhelm himself further, he then carefully put the chart back in it's proper place and took a seat beside his child while looking out the window. He didn't know what to think, especially when Logan's doctor came into the room. "Ah, Mr. Kennedy. I'm glad you're here." the red-headed woman said, making the marine look at the brunette woman with mild interest but followed her into the hall. Once they were through the threshold, she stopped and faced him with empathy clear on her face. "I wanted you to be the one to tell him. I'm so sorry, Mr. Kennedy. But Synthia didn't make it. She had passed before she was able to get to the hospital." the Doctor informed with genuine sorrow.

Arthur didn't know how to react. He didn't particularly like the woman any more than she liked him, but it was still heart wrenching to know that she had actually lost her life. Mainly because of Logan. The highly intelligent young child deserved to have a mother. He didn't know of almost everything of what life with her was like. But it was still wrong to have such a heartbreaking occurrence to affect his son. "Thank you for that." he answered numbly, then walked back into the room; silently telling her that he didn't want to hear any more. All he wanted was to be there for his son in his time of need. When he walked back in her unexpectedly saw Logan with his eyes open. Arthur practically sprinted to be at his side. "Hey, Buddy. How do you feel?"

Logan furrowed his brow a bit. "Well... We were hit by a truck, so... Pretty good, all things considering." he answered honestly, knowing the pain killers were doing their job well. "What's the verdict? What's wrong with me?" he asked as he soaked in the man's presence as though his life depended on it.

"Your vitals are good. You retained a concussion, to which is healing remarkably well. I'd say you could be home by tomorrow." he informed with a forced tone on nonchalance.

Logan nodded, not entirely interested how hurt he had become. "Sixty-six percent of traffic fatalities are caused by aggressive driving." he muttered to no on in particular.

With furrowed brow, Arthur tilted his head. "What makes you say that?" confused by the sudden change in conversation.

The young genius sighed heavily and looked at the thin blankets he was half covered with. "Mother was complaining and arguing with herself on our way to school. It was after you called in regards to my birthday. I tried to keep the topics on more trivial, intellectual subjects to stimulate our minds as a distraction. But, like always, she didn't want to hear me." he said emotionlessly. He then looked at his father in the eye. "I know of Mother's death." he admitted.

Arthur looked at him with sorrow once more as well as understanding; feeling grateful for his boy's vast knowledge. "What do you know?"

He shrugged a little. "None of the staff would talk to me about her. They'd always coddle me and always say that I need to focus on getting better. I know I'm physically adequate. They should just tell me how it is." Hearing such reasonable desires only made Arthur that much more willing to provide what was needed. "I mean. Everything has to die eventually. Everything has it's timeline. I guess it was just her time."

"The staff are just following protocol. You'll be out of here soon enough and away from all this tomfoolery." Arthur comforted, seeing the subtle frown teaming on his lips. Is main goal now was to help Logan handle his grief in a healthy manner. "On a lighter note. Don't think I've forgotten, little man." He then pulled into view a book wrapped in newspaper comics and duct tape. 

After handing over the gift, Logan slowly opened it and released the one smile made of pure delight his father wanted so desperately to see. The book contained survival tactics, advice, directions, and even an extensive list of wild plants such as flowers, mushrooms, fruits and even nuts that were edible. In the back of the book were medicinal instructions and methods, such as sewing an injury, starting fire, building shelter, self-defense, and even what certain clouds meant and if there was a possibility for rain. "Mother never allowed for birthday celebrations. I thought it was due to her hating me. Then I came to see her disbelief and flat out hatred towards engaging in any physical actions pertaining to any emotional affirmations of attraction." he explained.

Arthur nodded in understanding. "I'm sorry, Logan. My advice? Focus on the silver livings. Remember the good times so the bed doesn't crush you with it's irrefutable needlessness." He then smiled lightly. "Always remember that out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls. The most massive characters are seared with scars."

Logan smile a little, "I love you, Father." then began to go through his new book with his more than willing father close at his side.

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