She frowned. "How?"

With her only inches away now, I straightened out of my hunched position. My features that were previously contorted with pain now relaxed into a vacant expression. "I have an idea..."

Giving her no chance to understand what was happening, I whipped the glass from behind my back and shoved it into her abdomen.

She cried out in agony as her blood spilt onto the pavement, tears pooling on the lower lids of her blue eyes. I yanked out the crimson-stained glass and she toppled to the ground as her friends gasped in horror, yelling at me.

When the guy made a move to grab me, I whirled in a heartbeat and stuck out my palm to face him. "Motus!"

He instantly flew through the air and landed a few feet away, hitting the wall of a building and rolling onto the empty road. He yelped, the impact possibly leaving him with broken bones or internal bleeding.

Upon seeing the power I possessed and the danger she was currently in, the second girl attempted to make a run for it in the opposite direction. Moving my palm, I aimed it towards her back. "Immobilus!"

The poor thing had no choice but to stop immediately in her tracks.

Her male counterpart had partly recovered by now, enough to clamber to his feet. Before he could get far, I turned towards him and raised the glass in my hand.

"Phasmatos motus robix," I murmured.

He was dragged towards me without permission, his feet gliding along the road until reaching my position. The sharpest point of the glass sliced through his throat, piercing his vocal cords and forcing him to choke, coughing and spluttering as his blood sprayed all over my face.

I grinned mischievously at his horrified wide eyes before yanking it back out, the man falling to the ground and taking his last breath as he drowned in a pool of his own blood.

Approaching the magically frozen girl who was trembling with terror, I circled her body to face her and tilted my head as I studied her petrified expression.

"Please," she begged through hushed sobs. "Please don't kill me! I'll do anything!"

"Oh, I know, I know," I cooed gently in a sympathetic manner, stroking her cheek that was cold to the touch thanks to the autumnal evening air. "But I need to make it look believable."

Then, I grabbed her shoulder and carelessly shoved the glass into her abdomen. She let out a blood-curdling scream filled with tears before crumpling to the floor as I took back the weapon.

Tossing the glass to the side, I covered my face and body in the blood from my hands, drenching my clothes in it, and then laid down on the road beside her.

"Help!" I called out. "Someone, please help! It hurts!" Covering my stomach as if protecting a wound, I waited for rescuers to hear my distress calls while the girls nearby fought desperately just to stay alive.

Each broken body was spread out specifically in a way that made it appear like a disastrous incident had taken place — which was exactly what I'd been hoping for.

At first, there was nothing. No one responded to our cries for help. But then, thankfully, a couple eventually appeared from around the corner. Noticing the crime scene, they gasped and rushed over to our aid.

"Oh my God!" the man yelled, before turning towards his partner. "Babe, call 911!"

The woman nodded and quickly pulled out her phone while the guy hurried to where I lay on the road groaning in pain.

𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐑 𝐓𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐔𝐄 ~ Kai Parker • Enzo St. JohnWhere stories live. Discover now