*Chapter 18*

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We got all unpacked and ran to my room. At last it was the desired time of rest...

Me and Michael laid down on my bed and cuddled while talking about things completely different from the stressing stuff that happened earlier and at all.

"So.. there's just one week until graduation! Aren't you excited?" I asked him and gripped right onto his shirt out of excitement.

"I am actually! I can't wait for you to be my prom date!" Michael answered and chuckled softly.

"And I can't wait to see Jessica's face when she sees us together" I laughed evilly and smugly and just imagined what she would look like.

"Well, I don't know... She's not as bad as before.." I knew that Michael was a softie but never have I ever thought of him not sharing the same mindset like usually.

"Oh, but trust me, now that her friends are not with her, she has become a loser, but still she has rather the self-confidence to believe you like her" I complained and for a second, I got deja vu of how Jessica used to treat me when her friends were still with her.

"She has changed a lot since you came back home and she's not as mean as before" He explained, in a different way, as if defending her.

"But that still doesn't excuse the fact that she's still hitting on you so desperately. I mean... At this point, it's getting annoying" I scoffed and explained most of the reasons why I thought she was still a fire-breathing bitch with self-esteem to the heavens.

"The last time you two talked, she wasn't as rude as she used to be" He defended his thesis.

"Yeah, because she was scared to say anything without her little pets being next to her to encourage her" Then I thought how pitiful she was without her side-bitches.

"Alright, alright, you win" He confessed and gave up on trying to make me lose my opinion. I thought it was quite cute how he stopped fighting for such a useless thing and how mature he was.

It read on the clock "9:30". It was already getting late and I thought that my dad was going to be back soon. And I was right. Then minutes later, I heard the rattle of his keys.

I got up from the bed and opened the door to check. Michael, of course, followed me cause it would be pretty shitty if I just left him alone by himself. We got downstairs and saw my dad taking off his shoes.

"Hi dad!" I excitedly ran to him and jumped in for a hug. I really missed seeing my father like the good old days when we would talk about our days. So I just had to make that happen again.

"Hello Y/N!" He greeted as he hugged me back "Oh and hello Mike!"
He continued as he walked over to Mike and shaked his hand.

"So, how was your day, dad?" I asked, cheerfully while getting a glass of water. I sat down on a chair and drank from my water. Michael followed my step and he sat down next to me.

"It was fine. We found out that there had been a burglary at the old diner" he stated and with his words, I almost spit my water out. I looked at Mike as we both had surprised faces and widened eyes.

"W- wait.. what?!" I admonished going back there. I knew it wasn't a good idea.

"I know right!" He agreed and hollered, quite like he was pissed. "Those sons of bitches are going to regret it"
He looked mad pissed, so pissed it actually scared me.

"Um..I mean.. why does it matter..?" Mike called timidly and he, like me, looked quite startled. He continued. "The diner is abandoned anyway"

"Well, I'm really not supposed to tell you this but... me and William thought of repairing the old pizzeria and making it function again" He explained quickly and sat down on the table with us. "It's been almost two years since the accident happened."

"I don't think that's a good idea" I got really worried for some reason, although I knew it would be better if we forgot about the past. No matter how hard it is.

"Neither do I" Mike agreed with me and looked kind of mad at both of our parents.

"I know you kids are probably not on the same page as us but it's going to become a better place, I promise you this" he said and looked at us calmly. I tried to say something but he cut me off "Well, I better be off to bed. I've had a really tiring day"
And with that, he got up and walked to his room.

Me and Michael stayed like this in silence for a minute before on of us finally broke it.

"That's bad... That's really bad..." I exagerated and got up from the chair I was sitting on. I began walking around the room.
As I kept walking around hysterically, it seemed like Michael was completely speechless. With his elbows on the table, he rested his head and looked down.

"Okay, Listen... Listen.. so what if...?... What if we try to dissuade them...?" I quickly suggested being all nervous and scared "Or.. or what if we just... No, wait, that's a bad idea"
Out of ignorance, all I wanted to do was think of a solution that would work and wouldn't be illegal.

"Just say it.." Michael said disappointedly, not looking away from the table.

I sighed.
"What if we... Burn it down...?" I thought about it before saying my idea. But apparently, according to Michael's opinion, we just had to wait until that actually happened. I, of course, couldn't argue so I just agreed. I tried to brush off that negative conversation and I just smiled, even if that was quite difficult. I made Michael smile too since I couldn't bear seeing him sad and worried.

We got back up to my room and just laid back on my bed.

"Do you, maybe, want to stay over for tonight?" I suggested because I hadn't seen him in private for a while.

"Of course, darlin' , I'll stay" He calmly agreed to make me company.
I went in to kiss him and I held his cheek as I did. He returned the kiss as we just happened to be making it into a make- out session. Nothing more. But it didn't matter as long as I had him by my side.

I loved that sweet feeling of being with him.
I missed him... I really missed him.


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