*Chapter 8*

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"How's school going?" i asked as we were cuddling on my bed. Suprisingly, i wasn't tired. I haven't fell asleep since i woke up from that nightmare so me and Michael kept talking until it was time to get up.
"Boring without you" he said, chuckling "Do you remember that girl, Jessica, that bullied you? She's still in the school..."
"Lucky me, i'm not going back to school! Is she still hitting on you?"
"She is but i keep ignoring her"
"Happily, i'll not see her again" I said, smiling even more.

I heard a knock on my door. It was either dad or Charlie... Or Mr. Afton but i think not.
"Come in!" i shouted. My dad came in.
"Oh, hi Mike, i forgot you were here!" he said.
"What do you need, dad?" I asked him.
"I wanted to tell you that you're going back to school on Monday!" he said, smiling as always.
"I'm going back to school?!" I repeated. I was irritated "But there's a year left until i graduate!"
"I don't care, Y/N, i want you to finish your education! And i thought you liked school!"
"I just got some.... Unpleasant news.." i said, feeling even more irritated but i didn't have a choice "Other than that, i like it.. Fine, i'm going back to school!"
"Good!" my dad said and left the room.

"It shouldn't be that bad, y'know, Jessica's friends moved so she's not that popular anymore! I bet she won't dare bullying you! Not like you ever allowed her to..." Michael said, probably happier from the news i'm coming back to school. I sighted
"I guess you're right... What about we get up?" I asked in a tired tone.
"Sure.." Michael said and got up. I followed.

---Time skip: Monday---

Monday... The day i was going back to my old school. Well... Not so old but you get it. The sharp beeps of my alarm clock broke my inner silence. I breathed in and stretched my arms outwards, looking for the small object. I accidentally knocked it down off of my night table but still successfully turned it off.

I looked around, blinking a few times and yawning.
It was already six in the morning and the light outside was still not yellow enough to highlight my surroundings. I glanced over at the balcony amd through the blinds i met with a shade of cyan blending in with a soft shade of pink.

I sat up and jumped out of the comfortable and warm bed, being harshly welcomed by a cold atmosphere around my body. I opened the shutters, without looking outside, seeing i had a little to no time. Instantly i started moving towards my desk, grabbing the clothes i had prepared yesterday.

I arched my back and let out a whimper, feeling my bones do a little "crack" sound.
I decided to change into my room, hearing someone already occupying the bathroom.
I locked the door for extra safety and yanked off my bland shirt, putting an arm around my chest. I passed my head through my tank crop top's neck hole and pulled down on it.
My jeans were slightly loose. I finished off with my accesories and headed off, going to knock on my bathroom door.
"I'm almost done!" a male voice replied from the opposite side of mine. The faucet started running and i almost fell back asleep on the door until the door loudly opened.

"Morning dad!"
I stepped in the bathroom before he could even say anything. Then i shut the door closed and locked it. I walked over to the sink, looking at myself in the mirror.

I twisted the metal knob that let a cold rush of water, bounce in the white container and splash on my hands. I bent my neck down and cupped my hands under the icy liquid, collecting it and afterwards pouring it on my features.

I spat some water out and twisted it shut again.
I grabbed the towel and left my lids closed as i passed it all over my wet face.
I rubbed a bit harder around my eye area so that any leftover make-up would wipe off.
I sighed and put the cloth back on its hanger. I put my hands on my hips and looked at my bare face before reaching for my cosmetics in the nearby drawer.

It'll Be Our Little Secret || Michael Afton x Female ReaderKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat