*Chapter 17*

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I entered the backrooms and one by one looked carefully around the rooms, trying to be as causious and as fast as possible.

I had hopes that I was close to finding the axe so I kept looking until I eventually found it. It was a completely normal axe and it looked the same, just like anybody else would see it.

I grabbed it and ran back to the main room, where my friends were trying to win some time for me. I ran into the room and shouted:
"Hey, motherfucker!" Before I ran to him as fast as I could and I hit him with the axe. A loud clank, echoed through the room but It didn't seem as if I damaged Bonnie that much. He looked at me and stomped up to me. I hit him again. This time, he groaned in pain with his robotic voice. The others continued throwing rocks at him as I hit him repeatedly with the axe. Though, he didn't seem to be giving up. After my last swinging of the axe, he became faster and supposedly stronger.

I got away from him but he stomped faster. I couldn't give up either so I made a sign to my friends to throw some more rocks at him and confuse him.

I ran up to him and smacked his head as strongly as possible. He roared in pain and kept on trying to attack me. I stretched my muscles and repeatedly kept hitting him until he breaks down in pieces.
With a lot of effort together, we finally overthrew him. At the end of the fight we ended up sweaty and tired. We all looked at the floor, now full with pieces of the animatronic.

"Good job, guys!" I cheered, happily and group-hugged them. With that we left the building quickly and got on our long way home.

I felt a bit relieved after we left the diner and I was in the mood for jokes and fun.

---Time skip---

After a while, me and Michael decided to send Lexi and Jason to their houses as they lived further to us. First, we sent Lexi and then we walked a few blocks down the street, where Jason lived.

After we sent him, me and Mike walked together to our neighbourhood that wasn't far from Lexi and Jason's.

"Are you feeling alright after what happened?" I asked him as we walked in silence.

"I'm just glad we're finally out of there" He mumbled, with a noticeable sight of relief.

"As long as you're okay, I'm okay too" I assured him and held his hand in mine "But... Why did you accept the job at Freddy's if you don't want to ever return there?" I asked cautiously, as I didn't want to remind him or make him feel shitty.

"I just... I just wanted to prove to my father that I'm not scared to go back there..." Michael conceded after a bit of hesitation.

"Mike, you're harming your health like that... I know, I already tried to make you deny it, but I really need you to listen to me..." My eyes started tearing up and I got emotional just by thinking about Michael ruining his health and his life with something just as meaningless. Then, I started thinking about him dying and me, never being able to see him ever again. And how I would never get over that.

"I don't want to feel like a fool... I don't want to feel weak..." He coaxed.

"You are not a fool, nor weak... For me, you can never be any of those... I just don't want you getting hurt in there..." Now I was starting to be a bit more insistent and trying to make him deny the job. While I talked, I tried to think of valid arguments to make him, at least, think about it.

"I don't want to talk about this..." Mike answered in a sad tone and turned to look at the concrete.

"But, Mike... It's important, I can't just leave you go there.." I insisted even more and all that was heard from him was a sight. He didn't say a thing but I knew he had something he had to say, so I just waited for him as patiently as I could. Well, my "patience" didn't last for long as I wasn't a really patient person and anyone could barely spot me, being forbearing.
But now, I knew he didn't feel really comfortable telling me, so I decided not to push him into it, because as intolerant I was, at the same time, I was also considerate towards others.

I just shut up at the, what was supposedly, the end of our conversation. I had to give him some time to think about stuff and tell me when he's ready to tell me. If he ever wishes to tell me.
It didn't really matter for me as I would always support his decision and I would know he's doing it for good.

We walked for a while, as for the rest of the walk we didn't say anything else, and we finally got to the front porch of my house. We awkwardly looked at each other.

"Well, bye, Y/N!" He said, still looking a bit shocked by our conversation that we had earlier. He leaned in and bent down to hug me, as he burried his head into my hair, while doing so.

"Actually... Do you want to stay over for the night?... I would really like some company and.. y'know.. we haven't had a lot of calm time alone" I asked Michael and looked at him sadly since I really missed the good old times when we would hang out, like normal teenagers do.

Gladly for me, he stopped with the sad, exhausted face and smiled at me with his cherry smile.
God, I missed that smile.

His little child-like smile made me really happy so I started smiling too. For a second, I even forgot that we were almost going to die.

"Of course, I would stay with you, sweet cheeks!" He grinned sheepishly.
I kind of blushed but tried not to make it too noticeable.

We entered my house and as soon as we did, I immediately called for my dad to see if he had already come back from work. He hadn't yet but I knew he would anytime soon.

We got all unpacked and ran to my room. At last it was the desired time of rest...


It'll Be Our Little Secret || Michael Afton x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now