*Chapter 12*

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Surprisingly, i didn't have any nightmares while i was asleep that night and in the morning i felt fresher than usually before i wake up. I woke up from the loud sound of the alarm clock, sounding like it's going to explode anytime soon. I jumped out of the bed, sleepily and sat on the bed while clicking the stop button of the alarm. I got up and walked towards the window, stretching my arms. I raised the blinds and opened the curtains, looking out of the window. The weather was nice, sunny and a little bit windy but it's just fine for me. Not too hot but either not too cold. The atmosphere was normal as always at 6 am so i didn't get surprised when i saw the sky, mixed with four different colours.
I carefully chose my outfit for the day and grumpily left it on my bed, then walking out of my room to the bathroom.

I didn't feel like taking a lot of care for myself just then so i just washed my face, only with water and brushed my teeth for half a minute. I didn't do my makeup so i stayed plain the whole day. After what happened the previous day, i wasn't in condition and thought it was completely useless to take such good care for myself. I didn't brush my hair but i clipped it in a high messy ponytail and left the bathroom.

When i entered my room again, i walked to my bed and dressed in my clothes, not caring if i dress up perfectly. I was in a brown tracksuit and plain black hoodie. I looked at my alarm clock and it said "6:30". I put my books, my money, keys, headphones and stuff in my bag and left the room, making my way downstairs.

I threw my bag on the floor next to the exit door and entered the kitchen. I made an ordinary breakfast, such as cereal and sat down on the table, calmly eating my breakfast. I finished it in less than five minutes and put the dish in the sink, not making my afford to wash it. I didn't care what time it was so i put on my black converse and i slung the shoulder strap of my bag over my shoulder. I left through the door and locked it because i don't want to get robbed anyway.

I walked to the bus stop and without seeing anyone i know, i made it there in less than five minutes. I sat down. I didn't blast on my headphones like i would usually do. I just stayed without listening to music and just staring at the buildings opposite the bus stop.

The bus came within ten minutes even though it must sound a lot of time to wait. I got up from my seat and stood right in front of the doors, waiting for them to slide. When they did, i got in and found a seat. The bus was really busy but surprisingly, i still managed to take a seat. I traveled peacefully for another ten minutes and again i didn't see Michael or any of my friends. I was just thinking about random things like usually when i don't listen to music.
I looked outside the bus and the thing that caught my attention somehow was the sky. The smallest thing to get my attention. It was already blue with a little less shade of peachy pink and less yellow that was just mixing them up.

I got up from the seat and left the bus when it stopped next to my school. Then i walked to the school and again i didn't see anyone that i knew. I walked in the school. There were a few people in the corridor. One of them being someone new... Someone that i definitely knew. That was him.. That was Jason, my only friend in the other school. I saw that he looked at me and i looked at him too. We smiled at each other and i ran to him quickly. I had forgotten all my problems and the sadness that was in my soul.
"Jason! What are you doing here?!" I asked him and smiled at the fact that i was seeing him again.
"That's my new school! You do remember i told you that i was moving so here i am!" he replied
"Well, obviously i study here too so welcome!" i greeted him to the new school. We exchanged schedules and we found out we had almost all of our classes together. Like the first class that was physics. We made it to the classroom and got in there quickly. We weren't late but there were almost everyone from my physics class except the teacher.
The only free seat was away from my seat so he had to sit there and we had to be away from each other for that class. The teacher got in after five minutes and the lesson started. Jason had to introduce himself to the class and the whole time he did, i laughed at him.

It'll Be Our Little Secret || Michael Afton x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now