Because there wasn't just darkness in the Shadow Realm - it was right in front of me too.

In Kai.

My feelings for him had to be the key. It all made sense now: why my powers got stronger when he taught me, and why they cut off when he betrayed me, causing a toxic, fearful connection between us.

"Face your fears; let him in."

Closing my lids, I allowed images I'd been suppressing to return to the surface. Smiles filled with undeniable joy, laughs that made my stomach hurt and tears spring to my eyes. Nervous cuddles in bed under silk sheets, late-night drives with the windows down and the radio loud.

Slow, sensual kisses that I felt all the way down to my toes. Warm, protective arms wrapped around me in embraces that kept me safe.

As more pleasant memories passed through my mind, the hairs on the back of my neck stood on end, a slight chill in the air making my entire body turn cold. And yet, I'd never felt more hopeful.

Opening one eye, I peeked a glance down at my hands, waving them to create the desired shape. When smoky shadows danced around my fingers, much stronger than the flicker of power had been at the amusement park, I struggled to contain my excited squeal and swiftly jumped to my feet.

It's now or never.

Grabbing my slinky, I ran upstairs towards Kai's bedroom where he'd spent most of the morning "researching," and knocked loudly on his door.

"Hey, Kai, I'm about to take a shower - don't go in my room!"

I didn't wait for a reply before hurrying across the hall towards my door and slipping inside, quickly locking it behind me. Switching off the lamps, I shut the curtains almost all the way to darken the room, leaving only the light of the sun peeking through a small gap behind me. Then I stood with my back to the windows amongst the ray of light.

Inhaling deeply, I drew the shadows from the room into my body and sent them in three directions: my knee, my hair and my stomach. I sighed in relief as the dull ache from both wounds disappeared, my muscles feeling less fatigued.

Lifting my shirt, I checked to make sure I'd been successful. The opening had fully closed, leaving only a scar in its place. I guess after weeks of holding my gut together by a piece of thread - literally - there were limits to what my powers could do. It wasn't a fresh injury, after all, and at least this way was more authentic if Kai ever caught sight of it.

A stab wound suddenly showed no sign of ever being there in the first place? After I apparently had zero access to magic? He would definitely have some questions, I was sure.

Eager to get on with the main event before I lost my connection, I focused on Leilah's instructions from my dream. Stretching my fingers, I lifted my palms in the air and pulled shadows into my grip, moulding them to my will and forming a dagger.

Once content that the weapon would hold, I leaned towards my feet, stabbing the dagger into the ground where my shadow had been created by the sun behind me. Clasping my free hand over my mouth, I smothered the yelp of agony that escaped my lips without permission.

I hadn't touched my skin in the slightest and yet it felt like someone had stuck a knife through me.

But no matter what, I kept going, refusing to give up until I was free. I didn't know how long I would stay connected to my powers before I'd lose them again, and I couldn't take the risk without ensuring I would still be alive to tell the tale come the day I escaped.

Dragging the dagger along the floor, I outlined each of my feet where my shadow began. The process was painful and exhausting but I pressed on, clenching my teeth together to stop any cries threatening to slip out.

𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐑 𝐓𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐔𝐄 ~ Kai Parker • Enzo St. JohnWhere stories live. Discover now