Ch 10. His Trust

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I spent the entire next morning in bed recovering from using so much magic. I actually spent the whole weekend in bed! I caught a cold that Hisirdoux was able to suppress for me with magic. Although a little cold didn't keep me away from Jim. I had a low fever and runny nose when Jim met me at the cafe and asked to take me somewhere. He said it was a surprise, he had something to show me! Of course I agreed without hesitation. I got dressed as fast as I could and came back to him a little winded. He took me to his car and said he wouldn't tell me where we were going but as we drove, I began to realize maybe he was taking me to Trollmarket.

We parked at the canals like when we did fireworks and he took my hand, carefully helping me down the steep wall. "Has Douxie told you anything about when we were in highschool?" Jim asked as he walked me to the bridge.

"I've heard some things" I hummed as I grew anxious with excitement.

"Like maybe about an apocalypse?.." He asked and seemed terrified. Barbra had warned me a couple days ago that the troll I met during fireworks told Jim I saw him… So she's told Jim that Hisirdoux mightve told me about trolls and things. I guess I'll have to go with that story for now.

"Mhm," I hummed and nodded, "I was visiting when it happened," I kicked a pebble on the ground as Jim suddenly stopped and stared.

"You were there?.." He asked quietly in shock. When I woke up, it was already dark. I had no idea what was happening but I walked into town and found Gumgums everywhere. I nearly fainted, it was almost like I woke up at Killahead! Hisirdoux found me out of nowhere. I think I was standing in front of Jim fighting Gunmar on a roof when he found me and pushed me away to safety.

"Yes, for a little bit of it. I only remember part of the end but it seemed kinda cool" I shrugged as I put my hand over my aching forehead. I shouldn't think so hard with this little fever..

"So you saw all the trolls and things? Seriously?" Jim asked quickly as he walked me to that bridge and next to the wall. He couldn't take his eyes off me for even a second.

"I did," I nodded and gave a short laugh, "Douxie said they couldn't be in the sunlight so we actually helped some to safety. It felt like a dream" I giggled at the expression he made. I hope this sets Jim's mind at ease. I wonder if he thinks about telling me what he really is sometimes. I hope this is less stressful for him now.

"Wow.. Well, this place I wanted to show you," Jim turned to the wall and put a hand on it, "It's where they used to live before that happened," he looked at me with a smile as he pulled an orange stone from his pocket.

"Wha- R-Really?" I stuttered in utter shock. I couldn't even try to hide it! He's really bringing me here!

"It's nowhere near what it was. It's kind of like a destroyed ghost town now" he told me as he drew a doorway and pushed it in. Suddenly the wall opened up!.. I've never gone in this way, this is amazing!

"Were you ever friends with these trolls? Is that how you have their key?.." I asked in awe as I looked around us. There's these dark blue glowing crystals lightly guiding our path. It was like a stairway!

"I know you saw him, actually" Jim looked back at me with a chuckle as he came to my side.

"Haha," I awkwardly laughed and ran my fingers through my hair, "I've actually seen them a couple times but I kind of thought they were supposed to stay a secret" I gave a nervous smile as I looked back at Jim.

"What? Besides New Years, seriously?" Jim asked in shock with an everlasting smile.

"Well, it's not hard to miss a troll at a Christmas party.." I quietly giggled as I remembered seeing it there. I cant believe no one else noticed!

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