Ch 8. The Best Start To The New Year

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--*Chapter 7*---

That night I sent Jim home with dessert for his parents and himself. He left me with a list of movies to watch and promised he'd quiz me about them the next time we hung out. At the end of the day, my room smelled exactly how he did. It sounds odd, I know, but that scent put me to sleep as soon as I laid down. My chest was full of butterflies and I couldn't shake my smile even as I drifted to sleep. Finally for one day, I get to win.

---*Chapter 8*---

A few days after Christmas, Claire came into the Cafe alone. She looks a little different than usual, her expression and body language, I mean. She seems.. Scared? Nervous? Did something happen to her?

"Claire? Hey, what's up!" I watched Hisirdoux greet Claire from the library over the half wall. I could just see her from where I was sitting.

"Hey, nothing much," she giggled but seemed so troubled. She.. Looks like a different person almost. "I just was wondering if Ollie was around? I've been needing to talk to her.." Me?! Please, I can't handle anymore of her!

"Uh.. Yeah, she's over here actually," Hisirdoux smiled and pretended to be okay with this. "Ollie, you've got a visitor!" He called with a nervous smile as he showed Claire around the half wall to the library where I'm sitting.

"Thanks," I smiled and nodded to him to let him know I'll be alright.

"Ill bring some snacks over in a bit," he told us before leaving but I'm sure he'll keep an eye on me.

"Hey, I'm sorry for dropping in out of nowhere," She gave a short, anxious laugh.

"Don't worry, I'm not busy" I shook my head with a smile and set my book on the coffee table. "You can come sit," I offered her my usual chair to the right of me. I usually sit in Jim's spot when he's not around because it's closer to the Cafe and lets me keep an eye on things.

"I just wanted to-.." she tried to speak but was so anxious to even try after she had sat down, turned towards me. "I just want to say I was sorry for everything!.." she spit it out quicker than she prepared and stared at me anxious for a reply.

"Oh.." My eyes widened a bit. I know she seemed different but I didn't think she just.. switched like this?.. "It's okay.." I shook my head and gave a little smile as I looked at the coffee table, "I know this is a tough situation so.." I tried to reason with myself at this point. The things she's done to not only me, but Jim are unreasonable. But still.. If she's willing to confront her actions then I'm willing to talk it out.

"N-No! Well yes but i-.. i've been acting like such a butt to you and Jim! I mean, I know what I'm doing but it's like I just can't stop myself, but I know I'd never want to do any of that to either of you!" She.. Burst. She's full of a million different emotions and she doesn't seem to know how to handle them. I wonder how she came to be like this.. "You've been nothing but nice to me and Jim too and I just- I-It's just like someone else is in control-.." she tried to explain this bigger picture to me with very few details.

"Everyone who knows you is concerned, actually.." I smiled at the thought of all of her friends caring so deeply for her, "They said you've been acting differently. Even Douxie is concerned," I chuckled and looked towards the kitchen where he might be.

"I have been!.. It's because of-.. her.." She sighed as she slumped over and seemed to have totally given up.

"Her?.." I asked in quiet confusion. Is she.. W-Wait, is there someone with the power to control people other than Gunmar? Is that what's been happening to her?

"Do you remember when we met?" She asked and seemed so torn up but was ready to confront it.

"I do.." I nodded hesitantly. She really didn't like me when we met but I thought maybe it was just because I was friends with Jim..

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