Ch 1. Eight Love Letters.

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Hello Everyone!

Thanks for coming back for another Trollhunters story. If you liked my last one- which was made years ago and is pretty childishly written (besides after the main characters turned troll)- Than you'll love this! I put tons of hours and revisions into this so all the chapters come together nicely. I can't wait for you to read it! there will but just as much drama, heartache, love, and sadness as the last story but perhaps even more.

This story begins with eight letters, all written from the main character, Ophelia, written to Jim. The whole story is written from her perspective, so it's easy to imagine yourself in her shoes besides the name change. It's also really fun to read this to yourself with a little accent (One like Hisirdoux, Merlin, or Morgan, since that's where Ophelia is from).

Now you have all the basic information you need to start the story without too many questions. Here we go:)))


'Dear Knight,

As I lay amongst the stars, I can't help but wonder if my feelings were in vain. Even if they were, would I have expressed them to you anyway? Knowing it would cost me everything, would I have still expressed my feelings about you, an unholy being? Is that who you are? Are you so unholy as the text reads, as my father states? Surely after you had kept me so safe and warm within your arms, that cannot be true..

Forever yours,

'Dear Knight,

How could I have been so out of line that evening? It's not a lady's place to state her true feelings, feelings, especially for a being such as you. Though I can't help feeling the way I am. How could I be so careless as to let my true intentions shine? I'm afraid I nearly got myself killed even mentioning you. You've no idea the punishment I earned when I freed you from that cell the day we met..

Forever yours,

'Dear Knight,

I've been living under the stars for less than a month. Merlin found me, and he told me that my love was far too pure for this world. I don't know if I should feel blessed or sad. What does that mean, exactly? He offered me an escape. He told me one day in the future, 900 years from now, you'll be born. He said I could put my life on hold and somehow see you again. I must be crazy to consider such...

Forever yours,

'Dear Knight,

The thought has been weighing down on my chest like a brick for weeks. After being punished that last time, I'm left to fend for myself in a forest infested by beings like you, yet they don't even look at me. In fact, they turned a blind eye on the poor princess who had fallen for a trollish knight and was destroyed by her father's own hands.


'Dear Knight,

I've decided to holt my existence. My world has already shattered, I can't see the harm in putting myself in a completely worse position anymore..


'Dear Knight,

I will say, pausing my existence is not completely for you. Morgana will return one day, Merlin predicted. He told me I'd be of good use in the future. He told me only I would know how to solve this.. Do I?.. Not only that, there will be another enemy after Morgana is gone and the sun has set. I wonder how I could possibly help you, Hunter..

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