Ch 4. Meeting New People

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---*Chapter 3*---
"See you soon then, good night Jim" I smiled as I stood holding the door inside while he was outside.

"Good night, Ollie" he hummed, smiling back at me before I slowly shut that door. There's a big window on the door and for a whole wall of the Cafe so I had to wait till my back was turned to smile and sigh.

"Boss! That was adorable!" Jenelle shouted across the cafe by the kitchen door.

"St-Stop watching me!" I shouted back with an embarrassed glare.

"She had a boyfriend?.." Another one of my servers whispered to Janelle.

"I dont!" I glared while Hisirdoux burst out laughing in the Cafe. "This place should've been empty by now, what do you need help doing?" I asked with a sigh and went to check on them.

"Nothing, go to bed!" Hisirdoux kept laughing. I gave up with a sigh. I can't fight their words, it only makes things worse..

I went up to my room after saying goodnight to everyone. It's been such a long day but I'm so happy about it.

---*Chapter 4*---

Over the next couple weeks Jim started sticking around the cafe more often and even started bringing Toby and Darcy! Darcy was such a kind girl, she was up to date on everything people our age should be I guess. Hisirdoux told me if I made friends with her and sort of adapted to the things she does then I'd fit in better with today's world. I guess I'm still lacking in the friendship area, huh?.. So I made plans to hang out with her.

"You're gonna love this! There's so many Christmas deals right now, it's insane!" Darcy shouted at my side. We were walking into the mall together for a day of shopping. Hisirdoux said I looked like an old lady most days so I told Darcy and she suggested she dress me up some. She said there were two other people who had great fashion sense too that we'd meet soon. I was all for meeting people, I haven't ever really had friends besides the trolls and Hisirdoux. I've certainly never gone shopping for myself either! Hisirdoux bought my entire wardrobe when I woke up, it was all so weird.. Not to mention new aged underwear! And what is with these painful bras?

"You would totally rock this!" Darcy told me in excitement as she held up some sort of.. Clothing.

"What is it?.." I asked in utter confusion. It looks like a bra and underwear held together with string but there's string all over it! What kind of piece of clothing is this?!

"Youve never worn lingerie?" She giggled at me.

"Uh.. Nope" I shook my head and smiled politely. I would rather die than let anyone see me in that.

"But aren't you and Jim dating? You could wear it to show him!" She shouted out as my face instantly turned to utter blushing chaos.

"N-No! We aren't and I-I dont think I could wear something like that-" I explained quickly as my heartbeat began to rise.

"Whoa, really? You two were so close though when Toby and I met up with you at the cafe!" She asked and seemed sort of disappointed at the fact that Jim and I weren't together like that.

"He and Claire just split ways, what kind of friend would I be to confuse him like that right now?.." I explained this without even thinking. I shouldn't have ever told her how I felt, I should've kept it secret! But Merlin said maybe we could be together.. But not now, I don't want to hurt Jim somehow.

"Awe!" She hummed and got so happy, "Okay fine, but when you do get together we'll have a double date!" She nearly squeeled at the thought which made me giggle too.

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