First Fight...

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Rose's POV:-

I was running after Jennie, who was crying and running continuously. I still had a little pain in my stomach, from Sana's kick, but I needed to console Unnie, first. I know I didn't even care to talk to Jungkook, but what could I do? Jennie must've never gotten bullied, because she was so famous in her school, because of her looks and knowledge. She kept running, and I kept calling out her name, asking for her to stop, and then she did. She stopped.

Me: (goes closer to her) Unnie...I know, I know what you are thinking right now, and please stop thinking that.

Jennie: (wipes her tears) I don't understand, Rosie. I don't know what to say. I know I shouldn't believe what she said, but the more I think about it, the more things I understand.

Me: W-what do you mean?

Jennie: I-I didn't know Taehyung before. I don't know whom he slept with, or whom he dated. He never mentioned it, and neither did I. I didn't want him to feel uncomfortable, so I never forced him. We don't know, if- if Sana is speaking the truth or not...

Me: (keeps both hands on her shoulder) Are you serious, Unnie? You're saying that? I know, I know that we don't know if she's saying the truth. But- but, how can Taehyung do that?

Jennie: Please...Rosie...This is not important, what happened today is past. Go to your part-time job. I don't want your boss to shout at you for being late. (points to the cafe I work in)


Jennie: I'll go home, and I'll be fine. All I need is time, to think stuff and to process whatever happened.

Me: Alright...If that's what you want, then take time. I'm going...

Jennie goes the other direction, which leads the way to my home. I sigh. It's true that we don't know Taehyung's past, whom he dated, or whom he slept with. But, Taehyung can't be a guy who sleeps with some girl and dates another. He just can't. I hope Unnie understands.

Hana: Evening. What took you so long?

That's Hana, my coworker. She recently joined, and she's a very cheerful person, maybe that's how we bonded so soon.

Me: Nothing. Just things at school.

Hana: Sports Competition, huh?

Me: (takes an apron) How'd you guess?

Hana: By looking at your dress. (winks) Well, I'll get back to work. Good day, mate.

Me: (chuckles) Good day to you too, mate.

Hana chuckles and goes into the only Staff Room. That's when someone enters the cafe, because the door chimes, and my eyes get diverted to the person who just entered. Jaehyun?

Jaehyun: (approaches the counter) Uhm...Hi, Rose.

Me: (continues to do her work) Hello, sir. What would you like to order?

Jaehyun: Can I please talk to you for a second?

Me: Sorry. I'm on my duty. You can wait, I guess.

Jaehyun: Please, I'll be quick.

I sigh. I nod my head, fill a glass of water, and keep it on the nearby table. We both get seated, and I look at Jaehyun. He looked down at his fingers and thought about how to start the conversation.

Jaehyun: Tzuyu told me a few days ago that you work here. I had thought to pay you a visit but never had the courage. I hope it's okay for you if I come here.

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