Still, he'd try.

Angel could feel movement on the other side of her that caused her eyes to open again, and moments later Kaiya was climbing over her to lay in the middle of her and Roman.

"Yo, what the fuck bruh," He frowned, his face now against Kaiya's back while she remained asleep. He could hear Angel laughing, and he rubbed his temples to stop himself from slinging his daughter across the room-jokingly, of course. Or not.

"Kaiya you doing too much now. I'ma take you back to your room. Gon' on man." He took her foot out of his chest, listening to her quiet giggles, and Angel laughed harder once she heard them.

"Come on this side Ky. Let daddy stay over here." Angel chuckled, picking her up to place her back in her original spot.

"No I was here first. Who is he?" Kaiya pushed her dad's face back yet again, and he smacked his lips, deciding to just turn the other way. He was too tired to fight over his own woman right now.

Angel opened her arms, and Kaiya crawled on top of her, laying her head near her collarbone. She could feel Kaiya's breathing labor out as she softly patted her back, letting her know that she was dozing back off.

She stayed in the same position for about ten minutes until she knew that Kaiya was really asleep again, and then she laid her on the left side of the bed, once again. Hopefully she stayed sleep this time.

Turning herself over to lay on her side, she wrapped her arm around Roman, feeling him turn back over almost immediately. Chuckling, they went back to the position that they were in before Kaiya had intervened.

"She love you." His voice lowly rasped against the skin of her neck.

"Maybe. She probably just enjoys having someone new around." She shrugged, unsure if a child was even able to 'love' a stranger. Stranger, as in someone who hadn't been around for a while.

"Probably that too. She called me on my break and it wasn't nothin' but Angel this and Angel that. Now I come home and she all over you like she me or somethin'. Ion like that. Should've told her lil' ass to go get in her own bed-that's the whole reason she has it." He rambled to her with obvious envy, making her laugh again.

"Don't be jealous. Let me get up, I have to go pee." She tapped his arm, and he lifted it, keeping his eyes on her as she stood up.

While she did that, he went to go put Kaiya back in her own bed so that he could be alone with Angel. His baby had always been clingy but she'd really latched herself onto Angel just within the last two weeks of knowing her. Roman didn't know what that was.

He had talked to Faye about it and she thought it was Kaiya unintentionally building a bond with someone she assumed was filling the mother role in her life. She knew that Faye was just her great-grandmother and not her mom, and she knew that Raelle was just her aunt who she looked at as more of a sister.

Though she was a child, she was familiar with the fact that she didn't have a mom like the other kids. When Faye made him realize that, it hurt his feelings because that was something he couldn't fix for her like he did with everything else.

He played like he was 'jealous' over her bond with Angel, but he was really just trying to stop that relationship before it could form all the way. He didn't want to put that type of responsibility on Angel, especially since he didn't know of her long term plans with him and his family.

"She's going to be soooo freaking pissed when she wakes up in her own bed." Angel got back underneath the covers on the side of him, now with the scent of mint coming from her mouth. She hated morning breath.

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