Day 14: Nassau, Bahamas

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Friday, the 26th of August, 2022

Their final day dawns. Harry lays in bed wearing the clothes from dinner next to a still-snoring Louis. He stares at the ring on his finger, letting the jewels dance in the sun's rays, ricocheting from the waves to the cabin. One last stop, one last celebration of a holiday beyond his wildest dreams. Mostly, at least. He fiddles with the ring and closes his eyes again. Life can be dealt with after their alarm goes off.

It blares not even three minutes later, and Harry's eyes blink back open, bloodshot and tense. Louis groans beside him.

One day left.


This cruise is unique in that they're stopping in the Bahamas for a second time. Where their cruise started is also where it ends. It feels like it was just yesterday that Harry and Louis were sitting on a bench at Atlantis, bumbling through their first real (read: sober) conversation and bemoaning their drunken antics.

Now they walk along the sidewalk in town, exploring the Bahamian culture around them, comfortable with each other in nearly all ways. Louis refuses to tell Harry what he has planned for them, smirking every time Harry asks.

"No patience," Louis chides him. "Honestly, you know how this goes. You set a precedent, after all."

"You're in charge now. You can set a new one," Harry argues.

"So desperate, baby. Can't wait to let me surprise you." Louis tightens his grip around Harry, palm firm on his hip, prodding his fingers into Harry's skin. "If you're good and stop asking, I'll reward you tonight."

Harry shivers, letting the words sink in, Louis' dominance welcome. With time ticking down, he's too out of sorts to take control. Directions are helpful to tame his anxiety, and the teasing... the teasing might cause another incident, but he doesn't care too much.

Pressing his lips to Harry's ear, Louis slows their pace and murmurs, "Gonna be good for me, love?"

Unable to stay upright alone, Harry slowly pivots and clings to Louis' shoulders, bringing them to a halt. He dips his head into Louis' collarbone and shudders out a sigh. "Yeah, Lou."

"Perfect." Louis kisses him on the temple and grins. "C'mon, then. Wanted to try out this place with conch fritters. Heard they were a must-try."

"Mm," Harry hums, content to let Louis guide him.


Their day moves at a leisurely pace, popping into different stores and discovering beaches to explore. Not knowing what they'll be doing soon leaves Harry a tad on edge, but he's relieved when Louis finally draws him in after a romp in the waves to announce, "It's time!"

"Time for...?"

"Your surprise!"

Harry rolls his eyes. "Ah, so it does exist! I was starting to think you'd made it up to prank me."

"That would make me a horrid cruise husband," Louis tuts, tossing his shirt back on. "You'll want to be back in dry clothes for this one, so let's get changed and head over."

They duck into separate portaloos, the least glamorous way to get changed they could have chosen, and are out in record time to escape the smell. Louis takes Harry's hand, grinning, and weaves them between buildings until they find their location. It's pretty nondescript, set up at the bottom of what looks to be an office building.

Though - the giant "Jetline Simulation Bahamas" signs don't leave much to the imagination.

When everything clicks, Harry turns to Louis, truly surprised. He didn't expect anything like this or even consider that it could be an option, but sure enough, Louis says, "Remember when we talked about your fear of flying, and I told you that you need more exposure?" He grins. "Welcome to 'exposure' in its safest form!"

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