𝟏𝟑 | 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐭

Start from the beginning

And why the fuck is there a masked-man roaming around her halls, and not a security man in sight?


Once again, I'm sat in the meeting room with eyes lingering on me. The room is silent, and I'm certain I'm almost able to hear crickets chirping. A majority of my workers are here, each seated at the elongated table positioned right in the middle of the bland four walls.

I raise a brow, my eyes roaming across every single person's face. They all look petrified, from the sudden disappearance of both me and Hugo, I'm guessing a massive selection of them have pieced together what went on.

No one who works for me and my family is oblivious, they know how we work and especially how I work. I do my best to maintain civility with everyone here, despite my reputation and I will continue to. Many can argue that I carry out irrational decisions, but I do what I find most rational.

I take a seat at the head of the table, flattening out my skirt as I lift my head to, once again, observe everyone's body language.

Body language gives away everything. Someone may think if you have a straight back and neutral facial expression, you'll look calm. Newsflash, it just blatantly gives off that you're nervous.

And that's exactly what every single person in her is doing, spar my father. Amidio is sitting upright, a sneer on his face as he maintains direct eye contact with me and only me.

My eyes automatically roll back into my head as I look away, this time meeting eyes with my brother who's sat next to papá. I nod my head, and he mirrors the greeting except with a minuscule smile.

"Todos se preguntarán dónde está Hugo. Correcto?" I hum, situating myself comfortably in the seat already regretting being here.  (translation - Spanish. "You're all probably wondering where Hugo is. Correct?")

Almost instantly, everyone sitting around the table nods. Except from the stubborn asshole who's still not lifted his eyes off of me.

"He's in the basement." I shrug and start picking my nails, and now I'm wondering why I haven't visited a nail salon yet.

Multiple gasps erupt from the room, yet no one questions why he's in there. But of course the wrinkled, old man needs to open his fat mouth.

"Is there a reason, or are you just bored?" Amidio tilts his head, and anger burns through my skin. Out of all people, he shouldn't be the one asking such an imbecilic question.

"You want me to shoot you now, or later?" I tilt my head back and shoot a fake smile at him and it vanishes as fast as it appears.

From the corner of my eye, I observe Andrés covering his mouth, his eyes tearing up. Just from him attempting to conceal his laugh, I almost want to do the same. Except, I need to stay professional and not let my father win this stupidity.

Speaking of the devil, he scoffs and finally breaks eye contact and my body nearly relaxes from the freedom of the prior tension.

I let out a sigh. "This is your last warning. You show an ounce of betrayal and you will suffer the same fate." I look around, trying to spot any signs of disobedience and after not finding any, I take a stand.

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