Episode 12

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Shallu could not believe her ears. She was being let go?!



She had been busting her ass, missed her friends wedding and he hadn't had a complaint about her work until now. In fact he had recently just told her that he had admired her ambition.

Shallu didn't think her legs would hold her up much longer. She leaned against the closed door for support.

"I'm ....confused" Shallu said softly trying to hold back her tears. She'd also never been fired before. How could this be happening. Her world was spinning, her heart was thudding heavy in her chest. She refused to give him the satisfaction of her sobbing. She would do that later in the comfort of her bedroom thank you very much.

Focus Shallu, she thought. Need damage control mode. She stood up straight.

She didn't argue with him. She ignored her feeelings that everything was falling apart at once- all because of Nimmy's case. Nimmy was her best friends, she couldn't just refer the case. She was not going to let her down. Putting Felix aside, she loved this firm and her co-workers. She was learning so much and so grateful for the opportunity. She was not ready to let go.

Shallu decided to make a bargain. "Why not just let me keep my job? Put me on a performance plan. I promise to put in more hours, not to take any more time off, not ask for any pay raise...." She could hear herself rambling and including everything she could think of in this 'bargain'. She sounded desperate for sure, but she was desperate and determined to not let go. She searched his eyes for any kind of movement. He just stood there, a deadpan expression on his face just watching. She hoped she didn't look as desperate as she sounded at least.

Shit. Shallu could feel a tear roll down her cheek. Then another. And another. She felt like she was breaking. If her tears started flooding she would not be able to reel it in.

Forget it she thought. He had wanted their relationship to be strictly professional from the beginning. She was not usually like this.
Not childish in professional settings, definitely not a weeping mess. She just didn't understand why her emotions had no filter with Felix.

She turned towards the door. "I'm going to go pack my belongings. Tha-ank you for th-is opportunity" she managed get out, her voice faltering. Pull it together Bitch, she thought to herself.

Felix watched her. He was standing in front of his desk. He hadn't intended on firing her but her attitude set him off. She had been so late. Sending her email and assuming he would be available. She was infuriating. She was smart and had serious potential if she would be more open to his guidance and less resistive. He'd seen her with clients so calm and composed, shielding all her emotions in way that would rival him. She never lost her cool with clients or coworkers.

Looking at her now he could tell her shield was starting to crack. There were many emotions showing across her face and in her composure. Usually all she was with him was plain angry, full of unrelenting attitude and untamed fire. Wanting what she wanted and being insubordinate. That was unacceptable. She only did it with him but he was her principal supervisor.

She was a pain in his ass anytime he needed something from her. He even had enlisted his associate Damon to be the one to approach her instead of himself. It was not a good look for him at the office and set a bad example to the rest of the team. Yet he had an inkling why she was acting like that towards him.

At this point he wasn't even listening to her. He knew she was pleading her case and begging him for her job. He saw her tears spill over and her lips trembling. Then suddenly her back was to him and she was going to open and walk out the door.

He should stop her, he thought. She seemed remorseful enough and willing to finally listen to his instructions.

He reached for her and touched her arm just as she was reaching for the door. "Shallu," he said his tone lower than he had intended.

She turned around, a bit of her fire back in her eyes but tears still threatening to spill. She looked so distressed and vulnerable but hopeful. He instinctively pulled her tightly to him, giving her a smouldering kiss. She seemed surprised and resistant at first but kissed him back just as passionately.

She said she would do anything for her job back, his absently thought. He wondered just how far he could push her if he tried.


Shallu returned home where Rupa was waiting with an announcement. Shallu was outraged. Felix kissed her?! After all that ish about professionalism and limits on their business relationship?! Wasn't he also married?


Seriously wtf.

Did he think she was a skank or something?!

What right did he have to kiss her? He was certainly opening himself up for a lawsuit. Stupid indecent son of a beetch, she thought.

She was also betrayed by her own body. Had she really kissed him back?! Pulled him in tighter?! Slightly moaned? Gross. Had it been that long that just one kiss could throw her off like that?

To his credit that was probably the best kiss she'd ever experienced. His lips were soft but firm... his hands...okay no do not go there Shallu. She needed to harness her anger again.

To hell with him. To hell with her job.

Who cares if this was becoming her dream workplace and she loved the work and environment. Tears filled her eyes again. She was definitely sobbing herself to sleep tonight. Of all the days why was she wearing mascara? Hopefully it was still intact.

Shallu opened the door to her place. She had more important things to think about like Nimmy's situation. When she walked in, Rupa did a double take.

"Shallu sweetie are you okay?" Rupa said pulling her in for a hug.

"Yeah I'm fine. Rough day." Shallu replied not wanting to get into the details yet. She knew Rupa had something to tell her.

Rupa didn't want to overwhelm her and suggested Shallu try to unwind a bit first. She informed her that Nimmy was resting and had spent all day in bed so far. It was understandable given what was going on.

Shallu appreciated Rupa's concern and when she finally got a glimpse of herself in the bathroom mirror she knew why her friend was giving her some time.

She cringed. Her hair was disheveled and sticking up
all over the place. Her clothes were super wrinkled. Her lipstick smudged but worst of all she had the worst case of panda eyes. Looked like she had been punched in both eyes in an old time black and white film.

After showering, relaxing a bit and making herself and Rupa a hot cup of tea, they say down to talk

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

After showering, relaxing a bit and making herself and Rupa a hot cup of tea, they say down to talk. "Shallu," Rupa said. "I need to talk to Comet."

In reply Shallu told her that they didn't even know where he was and even if they did there was so much that needed to be sorted out first.

Rupa nodded but interrupted her "but you don't understand Shallu. I'm pregnant."

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