Episode 5

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Two weeks later Rupa was at home enjoying her weekend. Nothing could be better. All the girls had passed their exams with flying colours and attended each others' graduation ceremonies. It had been a tiring but rewarding whirlwind. Graduation ceremonies are memorable but so long!

Rupa was excited to finally have a weekend with just her and Comet. They were going to cuddle and catch up watching the show 90 Day Fiancé. He was supposed to be on his way, arriving any minute. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Excitedly Rupa ran to the door aware that Comet had told her he'd be by. However when she opened the door she was disappointed to find Dev there. Remembering how he was with Shallu, Rupa tried to quickly shut the door, but he was too quick and forced himself inside. Shutting the door behind him he said "you dared to threaten me a couple weeks back?"

Rupa was confused. That incident happened weeks ago. Why was he here being so aggressive? He was coming closer to her now and Rupa wished
she hadn't left her phone charging in her room. Trying to escape him she tried moving past him to the door but he blocked her and she tripped. He grabbed her in his arms and forced her to face him. Just as quickly the door opened and Comet stood in the doorway. Unable to comprehend what was going on, he froze in shock.

"Comet!" Rupa was happy he had come in when he did, but when she looked at him his expression was not one of concern but disappointment. At this point Rupa realized how it must seem to him with her wrapped in Devs arms. She shuddered.

"Comet! It's not what it looks like..." Rupa stammered.

To make things worse she felt Dev stroking her arm. She yanked it away and moved towards Comet. "He was just..." she started.

Comet interrupted holding his hand up to stop her and shaking his head. "Rupa what is this...I...I need some time and then we need to talk."

Taking that as his cue to also leave Dev walked past them, winking at Rupa and acknowledging Comet as he went by. "Sorry man, thought you had broken up. You know I wouldn't be here otherwise."


Rupa was in disbelief. Things had unfolded so quickly. It was the day after the breakup between Rupa and Comet. Whatever made her believe that Comet would take her word over his close guy friend. Although Rupa had known and been somewhat friends with Comet over the years, he and Dev were best friends up to the end of high school. That didn't make it hurt less. What was Dev thinking? Of course she had threatened him before! He was beating on Comet! What did he expect?

Angrily Rupa closed her book. There was no use studying. She couldn't get her mind off him. Comet is so stubborn she thought to herself. Well, he didn't know how persistent she could be. Damn him she wasn't going to rest until he heard the truth. She had tried texting and calling. He was definitely seeing her messages and not responding. She was infuriated.

Grabbing her jacket and heading out the door to her car she decided that some things were best expressed in person.


Meanwhile Shallu was getting ready for her first official lawyer job interview. She had already graduated and written the bar. As is common practice while waiting for the results of the bar exam, law firms were conducting interviews to hire first year associates. Nimmy and Simmy had been to her place the previous night, giving her tips of what to do and what not to do during her interview. They had even helped her pick out an outfit. She was wearing  a classic black suit with studded heeled boots and her grandmother's drop down pearl earrings to match the creamy beige shirt underneath.

Shallu was nervous but felt prepared for anything as she drove to IWL Firm. They didn't tell her who was interviewing her and their website was still under construction, however she had heard good things about this firm in her law school classes. They were rapidly growing and offered a supportive learning environment to first year associates- something she was definitely in need of. She hadn't found a good mentor during law school and was eager to find someone she could rely on to show her the ropes.  She knew that there was only one general partner in the firm and assumed it was an elderly man with great experience and knowledge. Given the long-standing reputation of the firm and the stereotype within the industry she figured this was a safe bet.

Silently Shallu prayed as she drove in. She desperately wanted to get this job. Even if she didn't end up working here forever, some time working here would ensure a jumpstart to her career. Trying to put her mind at ease she decided she needed some music to pump her up. Blasting the radio she couldn't help but sing along.

At Nimmy's place, Nimmy and Simmy were watching Hindi movie songs from an old movie called Fida. They had decided to hang out together and wait on an update from Shallu about her job interview.

Suddenly in the midst of the song, Simmy burst out "So you remember that guy Harshdip I met at the dance? So like I've been putting him off. I don't know that I'm interested. He's hot but he's coming on strong. He keeps asking me out to dinner and he won't take no for an answer! What am I going to do?! He has my number AND he knows where I live. He left me a message this morning saying that he was just coming over at 7pm to pick me up for a date even though I haven't responded....". Simmy was continuing on.

Nimmy was stunned. She had no idea Harshdip had been at the dance and that he was still in town. Why hadn't he reached out to her? Nimmy shook her head. Maybe it wasn't HER Harshdip. Surely Shallu or Rupa would have mentioned it. Sure enough though Simmy had already pulled out her phone and showed Nimmy a candid shot from his Instagam page.

Definitely her Harshdip. Well not HER Harshdip, she mentally corrected. She had been harbouring a crush on him for a little while but given their long distance and his hesitance to having anyone find out he was seeing her, she had decided that maybe they were better off as friends. Nonetheless thinking of him dating one of her friends was a little off putting. Plastering a smile on her face, Nimmy encouraged Simmy to go out with him. She made a mental note to check in with him to see why he hadn't told her he was in town.

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