Episode 10

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Simmy sat in a hammock peacefully sipping coconut water out of its shell. The week had gone by so fast she thought. She remembered how right after their wedding ceremony Mohit had successfully snuck her out of their venue and drove her to the airport. She was happily surprised that he had made honeymoon plans for them- a two week stay at a secluded island in the Caribbean.

So far their honeymoon had been fun and magical. Simmy couldn't have been happier. They had gone sightseeing, snorkling, hiking and of course some private strenuous activities in their ahm bedroom. In the evenings they had enjoyed romantic dinners by candlelight, beautiful sunsets and moonlit strolls along the beach. Simmy loved the way he made her feel and hoped she made him feel equally great if not better. She was sure that this honeymoon was just the beginning of the pleasure they would share together for the rest of their lives.
Shallu could have screamed for joy. The week was almost over and she would soon be home. They were even able to achieve a favourable settlement for the client! It was such a relief not having to spend any more sleepless nights working on it or worried about her presentation.

Shallu was comfortably snuggled in her hotel room bed when she was startled by the ringing of the room phone. Half asleep she sluggishly picked up the phone.

"Hello?" She said in a tired voice. No reply. She waiting a few seconds before repeating and finally hung up when there was still no response.

Shallu glanced at the clock. Was it 7 am already?! She had planned to wake up earlier to go on a tour of the sites from one of her favourite Hindi songs set in

Disappointed Shallu pulled out a pair of hip hugging jeans and an oversized red hoodie she had brought as comfort for this trip. She no longer had plans for the day. Distressed Shallu considered asking Felix about his plans or to see if he had recommendations, as he'd been here a few times before, but thought better if it. He didn't want a personal relationship with her so why would she want one with him. Who knows how he would interpret her asking for recommendations.

About 20 minutes later Shallu emerged from the shower fully clothed and feeling fresher than ever. She felt like it was going to be a good day after all and decided to apply some eyeliner for a change. Just as she finished with the top of her right eye and was applying the liquid liner to her left, she noticed movement in the corner of her room. She spun around, creating a black line down the left side of her face to find Felix in her room.

"What the hell are you doing here?! This is so
inappropriate. How'd you even get in?!" She angrily asked, one hand on her hip. She was furious. She hadn't heard him enter and how long exactly had he been there like a creep.

"Your door was ajar. I even knocked. Not sure who exactly you were expecting but you should be glad I'm here" he replied. "Nice line on your face by the way, going for zebra stripes are you?"

Shallu glared at him and started cleaning up the streak down her face. "My door was not open you creep and why would I ever be happy to see you?"

"Then how would I have gotten in? Childish as always. You're lucky I'm an understanding employer with a good sense of humour" Felix retorted. Shallu scoffed and muttered something about him having absolutely no sense of humour.

"I was actually coming to give you news about a friend of yours. Nommy? She was arrested at noon yesterday. The message was left for both of us with the concierge."

Shallu turned around and gaped at him. "You mean Nimmy?"

Felix nodded.

Ignoring the rest of the line on her face, Shallu grabbed her notepad and dialled Rupa's number. She had to figure out what was going on.

Felix in the meantime ordered room service and sat on the edge of the bed ready to jump in if needed.

Roopa was relieved when Shallu returned her call. She had immediately called Shallu but got voicemail when she learned of Nimmy's arrest. Then she called and left a message for her and Felix at their hotel.

She was pleased to know that Shallu was on her way back to help Nimmy out of this situation. The police had arrested her claiming they had evidence to show that Nimmy helped plan and carry out the attack and torture on Abhishek. Beyond that she didn't know much more. To worsen matters Abhishek had not made any sign of recovery which made matters worse. If Nimmy was to avoid jail, Shallu would have to perform a miracle.

Promptly after her arrival a very exhausted Shallu went to the police station. She was unable to comprehend what was going on. There was no way Nimmy would be involved in this. The most she would ever do is get pulled over while driving- for going too slow. The whole flight back had been a worrisome wait.

Now that she was here she was ready to do some damage control. Shallu was now in a room with Officer Prem and Nimmy.

"This is your lawyer?" He asked Nimmy in disgust and disapproval. "You couldn't have gone for anyone better?"

Ignoring his comment Shallu asked for more details on the grounds for the arrest to which Officer Prem laughed. "What do you think?" He said in a mocking tone.

Now he was ticking her off. Relax, Shallu reminded herself, you've dealt with fools before.

"Either you produce something more substantial or you face having to explain to the court why my client was denied her procedural fairness and harassed in police custody." She said sweetly.

Nimmy smiled inwardly. Now that Shallu was here her hope had returned. She knew Shallu wouldn't rest until she was proven innocent.

Officer Prem went over the evidence with Shallu. It seemed like they had arrested her by virtue of Nimmy and Abhishek's relationship and their suspicions that something had gone wrong between them and that she wanted to get him back. As a result their theory was that she had teamed up with Comet to murder him. Nimmy's DNA was found all over him and his blood all over her. Also clutched in his hand had been her necklace which they think he grabbed off her in a struggle. Nimmy hadn't worn that necklace in years. She didn't even remember seeing it in her jewelry collection for a while and thought she had misplaced it. It had been a gift she had never worn. She couldn't even recall who gave it to her.

The meeting concluded with Nimmy having to remain in police custody until her bail hearing concluded.

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