Chapter 12

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The rest of the world was quiet for the two days leading up to the funeral of Andalynn best friend.she would of never thought the day would come when she would have to see Stacy in a casket. Knowing she can't escape her feelings of loneliness and despair.Andalynn looked at her  black dress and set of pearls to go with it. Suddenly she got a text come across her phone it was Lance hey Beautiful I am on my way to pick you up, you got this! A subtle little smile came across her face.  The rest of her family was getting there later. Andaylnn could hear her little sister down stairs with her mother. She could hear Troy putting on his tie.  He must of let a million curse words fly out of his mouth by the time he was done.
"A message came across andaylnns phone from a unknown number
"Don't ask questions"
She looked down at her phone confused. Before she got a chance to respond Lance called her telling her to come out outside.
Grabbing her black jacket she left in a hurry.

"Your going to be okay" Lance looked hopeful
"I'm not sure if I can handle this"
You are and you will"
"Could it have been anymore damp today" Andaylnn said hoping to change the subject.
" well we live in Seattle what do you expect"
Before they knew they were there looking at the house where Stacy once lived. Taking Lances hand in hers they walked in together where they were greeted by Stacy's mother and Father.
Andaylnn! They shouted walking towards her it's nice to see you again. "Im sorry it's under theses circumstances." Stacy's mom stated
"Thank you for everything you did with my daughter Stacy you were the best friend anyone could of wanted" her father said. A tear formed in the corner of Andaylnns eye, Lance quickly took her in his arms. They walked together in to the next room. There she was in all her glory wearing a gold necklace with a rose on the end and a violent plaid dress. There Stacy laid in a black and gold casket. Stacy Andaylnn quietly whispered half of her wished she would wake up Stacy and half of her wished it was a dream.  Sadly that was not the case without skipping a beat Stacy's brother came down wearing a gray suit and tie. He was acting strangely not his usual chatty self Andaylnn observed him quietly not to make it obvious. I wonder if the killer would come to a victim's funeral she thought. Lance was talking with some other people from school. She saw this as her chance to go to Stacy's room look for anything that could lead back to the day she was killed. Looking all around her room.
Andaylnn looked in Stacy's closet nothing but jeans and skirts and a few tops,she looked in her night stand and found what looked to be a blue velvet ring box carefully picking it up and opening it to see a oval diamond ring Andaylnn gasped when she saw it. Why did Stacy hid this?

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