"And..." The announcer paused, staring at the girl.

Suyin finally greeted the large doorway, entering through with heavy breaths from her nose. Her hands let go of the dress' skirt, allowing it to flow naturally.

"Please welcome our last warrior, Huang Suyin!" The announcer presented.

A mystified silence swept the crowd's conversations away. The Shadow Wielder captured the crowd's attention, including Queen Taeyeon, who sat on her heavenly golden throne. Suyin observed over the balustrade railing, exploring the massive ballroom before executing a polite curtsy.

Suyin's presence invited a mystifying delicacy to the air somehow. The black tulle of her dress twinkled at her every movement, replicating a midnight sky. Her bodice contained a floral design as if dark flowers sprouted; the puffy off-the-shoulder sleeves enhanced her graceful glow. After rising from her curtsey, she cautiously descended one of the imperial staircases, allowing the light to drench her skin and glittering black gown. She surveyed the divine room and admired the royal wall panels, the window's night scenery, and the glassy marble-tiled floor.

"Your Majesty, Lords, and Ladies, may our ball begin!" Another man declared, earning applause. An orchestra played to the nobles, filling the room with melodious strings. Couples stole the floor and waltzed with the heavenly music.

Suyin wandered around and finally discovered her team behind a crowd of people.

"Took you long enough," Jay mumbled as she approached them.

Suyin pursed her mouth into a line. "I'm sorry. The dressing room was hectic," Suyin apologized, shaking her head.

"AHH, but your dress is stunning!" Sunoo squealed. Suyin returned Sunoo a smile, folding her hands at her front.

"Guys, I think Lee Taemin is here," Niki gasped with a beaming grin.

Suyin stood awkwardly as the male warriors discussed other nobles present–friends and famous nobles. Eventually, several people and acquaintances approached their team, praising their work. Suyin sank in silence as her team parted ways to converse with nobles about their warrior duties or find a dance partner. Finding nothing better to do, she analyzed her nails painted black with an iridescent violet shimmer.

A pair of shiny white dress shoes arrived before Suyin. Suyin's eyes climbed up his tall figure, landing on his face. Until this point, Suyin viewed everything as a careful dream–for every choice, every action, and every word mattered... but somehow, this was a comforting one that granted creativity.

Jungwon appeared wearing a royal white suit adorned by numerous golden accents and accessories. He wore an additional royal blue half-cloak that rested over his right shoulder. His dark bangs had been styled into a natural split, enhancing his overall classy look. The most subtle shimmer sat on his eyelids, elevating his soft gaze.

Jungwon hung open his mouth. His eyes cascaded Suyin's dress, flying back to her face. "Wow, you look," Jungwon paused, gulping. He seemed lost at first, but he eventually grasped his words. "You...look gorgeous, Yin."

Suyin couldn't rip her sudden smile away. A rosy blush flourished on her face, daunting away from a proper thank you. "Huh, a compliment from you is pretty rare," Suyin quipped instead.

"So you like it?" He wondered.

"It's sweet. I should get more, though," Suyin teased, tapping her chin.

Jungwon released a short chuckle and grabbed her hand with a slight tug. His other hand greeted the back of her shoulder, pulling her close. "Just for you, darling," Jungwon whispered–his voice dripping into Suyin's ears.

Suyin's face burned within seconds. She plummeted into a flustered mess and backed up. "What?" Suyin stammered.

"What is it?" Jungwon arched his brow.

Suyin attempted to answer but only tripped over her own words. "You know," she puffed her cheeks. Her stomach swirled when Jungwon's fingers curled tighter around her hand.

"Hmm, I find it pleasing to see you act like this," Jungwon commented.

Suyin rolled her eyes. "Ugh, Jungwon."

"Yes, darling?"

"You did it again!" She exclaimed, stealing a few glances from nearby people. Suyin shied away from the lingering stares on her, and she dropped her face into her hands. "Jungwon, I'm scared."

"Of what?"

"Of you," Suyin deadpanned, lifting her dagger-like glare. Jungwon's clueless act annoyed Suyin, but as he snorted a laugh, she found it...almost loveable. Something about Jungwon's smile lured a familiar baffling crowd into Suyin's chest again.

She heaved a sigh while hauling her head up. She examined the ballroom, spotting a few of their members conversing with sophisticated people. "Wouldn't you rather talk to the nobles you hadn't spoken to in so long?" Suyin said, twiddling with a strand of her hair.

Discontent sunk into the thought of that truth. However, Suyin didn't want to keep him occupied if he wanted to meet other nobles.

"I mean, I...was wondering," Jungwon suddenly began, capturing Suyin's attention. There seemed to be a few words dangling from his tongue. Jungwon reached for his neck, rubbing his nape. His eyes glanced at the heart of the ballroom where nobles danced. "If–"

"Suyin?" A male voice called.

Suyin blinked for a moment, wondering who called for her attention. She swirled around towards the familiar voice and found Colin walking towards her. "Oh, Colin?"

"You stole my eyes right when you entered the ball," Colin expressed while eyeing Suyin's dress. "You look absolutely magnificent tonight."

Suyin curtsied to the noble dressed in royal blue. "Why, thank you," Suyin smiled.

"You finally learned how to take compliments?"

"Um..." Suyin stole a quick glance at Jungwon and stifled her smile. "I think I'm still getting the hang of them."

"You have improved quite a lot from last time, I must say," Colin remarked, racing his stare over Jungwon. Colin cleared his throat and returned his attention to Suyin. "The next dance is about to begin. Would you care to have a dance with me?" Colin displayed his hand to Suyin.

For some reason, Suyin's hand hesitated to accept. Colin's delightful voice and charming gaze floated at her front, waiting for her out of all people. Her response was delayed, but she nodded and laid her hand into Colin's hold anyway. As Colin bowed his head and led her off to the dance floor, Suyin glimpsed back at Jungwon. He stood still with a ghost of a smile, eventually swept away by piles of nobles. Suyin re-entered the careful dream.


bruh, colin

but why is jungwon so fine. he is annihilating me rn

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