Chapter Fifteen - The Ultimate Enemy

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Back at the Sacred Grounds, Vlad waited patiently for a Predator to show up while he had Team RWBY firmly in his control. As Team RWBY struggled to free themselves, footsteps were heard. Vlad turned around to see Pyrrha and Suki entering the camp. 

Vlad: Miss Nikos! Suki! You've made it! Thank goodness! I heard the explosion and I feared the worse! I...I don't see Repton. Is he....

Suki: Gone. He sacrificed himself to buy us time. 

As Suki said that, there was a moment of silence. Vlad was pleased to hear that Repton was dead as he believed that he was the last threat to his plans. It wasn't long before Pyrrha noticed the absence of Team RWBY. 

Pyrrha: We heard screaming. Where are Ruby and the others?

Vlad: We...we were attacked by Vlad Plasmius not too long after you left. We...we were taken completely by surprise. Ruby and her team....they led Plasmius away from the camp. There...there was nothing I could've done.

As Vlad lied, Pyrrha remembered the last words Repton said to her. She remembered Repton's distrust of Vlad. At this point, Pyrrha grew suspicious of Vlad, but she didn't let it be shown. Meanwhile, Team RWBY tried to shout out to Pyrrha and Suki, but were bound by Vlad's Ghost. They could only watch as Vlad plotted against them. 

Suki: If Team RWBY's chasing after that Ghost, then they'll need our help. 

Pyrrha: And they'll have it. 

As Pyrrha said this, she kept a close eye on Vlad. Unaware of Pyrrha's suspicions, Vlad smiled. 

Vlad: You're a good person, Miss Nikos. 

Pyrrha: Yeah....

As Pyrrha said this, she could see that Vlad was about to attack both her and Suki. Without hesitation, Pyrrha lands a strike with her Akoúo̱ shield. As she did, Vlad unleashes a Ghostly Wail on Pyrrha and Suki, blasting them back. At this point, Vlad saw no point in hiding as he assumed his Ghost Form.

Vlad: That was unfortunate. 

Suki: were the Ghost?! All this time?!

Vlad: Yes. 

Pyrrha: Repton was right about you. 

Vlad: Indeed he was. Despite his...brutish nature, he was actually quite clever. It's a shame he isn't here to see this. I'm sure he would've been pleased with himself as he would...attempt to kill me. But here we are. 

Pyrrha: Where are Ruby and the others?!

Vlad: Oh they're not dead if that's what you're wondering. They're right exactly where they need to be. Now of course there's you. I can't exactly have the two of you spoiling my plans so I'm afraid you'll both have to die. 

Without warning, Vlad attacks Pyrrha and Suki with his Ghost Powers. Pyrrha began firing the Plasma Castor at Vlad, but the Half Ghost simply phases through the plasma shots. 

Vlad: You'll have to do better than that, Miss Nikos!

As Vlad taunted Pyrrha, Suki stepped in and got the jump on Vlad, landing a Chi Stopping strike on Vlad's arm, immobilizing it. Vlad backs away several feet. 

Vlad: What an impressive little trick. It's a shame it' on someone with Ghost DNA. 

Vlad then simply negates Suki's strike. When Pyrrha went for an overhead strike, Vlad phases through her attacks and turns invisible. Immediately, Pyrrha and Suki got back to back as they waited for Vlad to attack. They could hear Vlad laughing as he suddenly appears before them and unleashes a Ghost Ray attack on the two blasting them back. As the fight dragged on, Vlad taunts them.

Vlad: Is that the best you got? I haven't even broken a sweat. 

Suki: Pyrrha....what are we going to do?! We can't hit this guy! 

Pyrrha: There has to be a limit to his power! We just have to keep attacking!

At this point, all Pyrrha and Suki could do was battle against Vlad. Meanwhile, Team RWBY watched helplessly as Pyrrha and Suki fought a seemingly hopeless battle against Vlad. For Ruby, her mind flashes back to the Fall of Beacon to where Pyrrha was originally believe to have been killed by Cinder Fall.

Pyrrha(Past): Do you believe in destiny?

Cinder: Yes. 

As that memory replayed in Ruby's head, it seemed as though Pyrrha would truly die this time. Ruby took several deep breaths as she attempts to tap into the powers of her Silver Eyes. As she tries to do so, her attempts fail. Ruby tries to put herself in the state of mind to use her Silver Eyes, but memories of all that had happened to her began to hold her back. However, Ruby's takes the time to reflect on the happier memories. Using those memories, Ruby activates her Sliver Eyed powers and frees herself and her teammates. She soon confronts Vlad. 

Ruby: This...ends....NOW!

Ruby then blasts Vlad with a beam of blinding light. What followed was a blinding light which engulfed Vlad's body. When the light faded, Vlad was on his knees. He had been reverted to his Human form. 

Vlad: That was....interesting. I doubt that trick will work the same way twice. 

Vlad attempts to Go Ghost, but nothing happened. After multiple attempts, Vlad began to feel as if a part of him was missing. It wasn't long before he figured it out. 

Vlad: purged my Ghost DNA! 

As Vlad came to that realization, three red dots were pointed at him. Vlad looked to see the flashing yellow eyes of a cloaked Predator. 

Vlad: Oh...

Before Vlad could react, a Combi Stick is thrown at Vlad, impaling him to a tree. Vlad groaned in pain as he grips the Combi Stick. 

Vlad: Maddie....please forgive me....

Vlad took his final breath as his body went limp. In that moment, the threat of Vlad Masters was over. But with one enemy slain, another remained. 

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