Chapter Three - Unseen Eyes

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As the group continued moving forward, everyone was still processing what they had just learned. For some of them, life beyond the stars seemed impossible. After hours of walking, the group made camp at what appeared to be an abandoned enclave.

Repton: This enclave should provide us safe haven for the time being.

Sev: I'll take up a position on that watchtower.

Sev then climbs up the watchtower while the rest of the group settled in. Once they get settled into the enclave, Team RWBY spoke to each other about what they had just witnessed. 

Yang: An alien planet. We're stuck on an alien planet. 

Weiss: This is going to be....a problem.

Blake: I still don't understand how we all ended up here. 

As the rest of Team RWBY deliberated on their situation, Ruby was at a loss of words. Her mind was racing on not only the safety of her teammates, but of Remnant. She felt the pressure of everything taking their toll on her. 

Ruby: Why? Why does everything go wrong?! I...I can't do anything right!

Yang: Rubes, it's not your fault. 

Ruby: Is it?! Look at where we are! We're stuck on an alien planet while Salem is trying to destroy Remnant! Our friends are out there risking their lives and we're stuck here! Things just...keep getting worse beyond my control. 

As Ruby began to tear up, the rest of Team RWBY comforted their young leader. During this tender moment, Vlad observed them. He soon finds something he can use to his advantage. He walks over to Team RWBY and sits besides them. Suki joined them as well.

Vlad: I...I don't mean to intrude, but I can't help but overhear your conversation. If it's of any consultation, I'm sure you're doing the very best that you can. 

Weiss: Thank you, Mr. Masters. We've been through some....things. 

Vlad: I can tell. I do not know what it's like on your world, but you mustn't blame yourself for what happened. 

Blake: It''s a long story. 

Vlad: Heh. From where it stands, we're here for the foreseeable future. But I trust that all will be set right.

Team RWBY were surprised at Vlad's optimism. What they didn't know was that Vlad was playing them like a fiddle. In an ironic twist of fate, Vlad's words seemed to raise Ruby's spirits.

Suki: Ruby, I know how it feels. You fell as though the world is against you. But take it from me when I say that you're not alone. As long as you hold on to that spirit, you're never alone. 

With inspiring words from both Vlad and Suki, Ruby found the strength to keep going. Despite the path ahead being uncertain, Ruby would press on. Meanwhile, Repton was exploring the enclave. As he does so, a strange object catches his eye. The object is soon revealed to be a mask with strange shaped jaw bone. As Repton picked up the mask, Wrex approached him. 

Wrex: Collecting trinkets? 

Repton said nothing as he looks around his surroundings. The jungle ahead was quiet. Too quiet. Repton's instincts told him something was wrong. 

Repton: We're being watched. 

Wrex: And how do you know? 

Repton: It's quiet. Too quiet. 

Wrex takes note of Repton's words. Wrex then takes a look at the mask Repton was holding. The design of the mask was unlike anything he has ever seen before. As night fell, Sev climbed down the watchtower and joined the rest of the group.

Repton: Anything?

Sev: No. We're clear, for now.

Ruby: That's good, right?

Wrex: It's the calm before the storm, little girl. 

Suki: Between being on another world and that Ghost running around, I'm not sure what more we're gonna face. 

Yang: No kidding. This place gives me the creeps.

Sev: Nothing better than a jungle hunt. Hiding in the bush, putting a plasma bolt through a hostile's cranium. Makes me feel alive.

Yang:'ve got issues. 

Repton: Perhaps he's on to something. We were all brought here for a reason. 

Blake: How so?

Repton then shows the entire group the mask. Upon seeing the mask, there was an uneasy silence within the group. 

Ruby: That...kinda looks like a Grimm mask, but there's no Grimm. 

Repton: Something is out there. Watching us. 

As Repton says this, he glances over to Vlad. 

Vlad: Is something the matter?

Repton: You don't fit in. Everyone else in this group are all heavy hitters in some way or another. But you, you aren't.

Vlad: Well I have nothing to do with this, I can assure you. 

Repton took note of Vlad's response. Vlad was quick to deduce Repton as a potential threat to his plans. He knew that he needed a way to throw the Raptor king off the suspicious trail. 

Ruby: We need a plan. Right now, we're stuck on an alien planet. We've got a crazy Ghost out there and...whatever's out there. We need a plan. 

Vlad: I think we should rest. For now, this enclave looks safe enough to sleep in. 

Repton: When the Sun rises, we'll leave and keep moving. 

Weiss: That's it? Doesn't really sound like much of a plan.

Wrex: We don't exactly have any other choice. We can either hunker down here and wait for whatever's out there to attack or we keep moving and maybe find a way out this rock. 

With no other choice, the group slept in for the night. But what they didn't know was that they were being watched by unseen eyes. They would soon come into contact with the Predators and the hunt would begin.

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