Chapter Five - Suspicion

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After their encounter with the Predator, the group continued moving. As they moved into the jungle, the members of Team RWBY were still in shock.

Yang: A alien planet. We're actually on an alien planet.

Blake: And we're being hunted.

Yang: That Repton guy is hardcore. Never seen a guy eat someone's heart before....

Weiss: Let's just hope we can find a way back home soon. 

As Team RWBY spoke to one another, Ruby glances over to Suki, who appeared distraught. Ruby was quick to speak to Suki.

Ruby: How are you feeling?

Suki: I'm...I'm still processing this. 

Yang: I don't blame you. This whole thing is just....insane. 

Suki: I...I never thought that life existed beyond the stars. It''s something I never even considered. 

Weiss: Atlas barely had the technology for space travel. 

Suki: None of my training prepared me for something like this. This....this is way out of my element.

Ruby: We'll find a way out, Suki. I promise. I don't know how, but we'll find a way out of this planet and help you get back home.

Suki smiled at Ruby's kindness. Suki could tell that the bond between the members of Team RWBY was deep. It reminded her of the bond between Aang and his friends. As they moved through the jungle, they came across a stretch of land which appeared to be barren. It looked like as if some kind of explosion happened. Ruby was quick to spot something.

Ruby: Guys! Look! 

Ruby then points to what appeared to be a red triple bladed scythe planted on the ground. The scythe is attached to a long metal cable. The weapon bore a similar appearance to Ruby's Crescent Rose. 

Ruby: Whoa.....

Weiss: I wonder who that weapon belongs to. 

Suki: Look at the size of that thing.....

Yang: Looks like someone was overcompensating.

Wrex: Whoever's weapon that was put up some kind of fight. 

Repton: This happened some time ago. I'm not picking up any scents. 

Blake: Maybe someone's hiding out. 

Sev: All the more reason to keep moving. Right now, we're exposed. For all we know, this could be a trap. 

Repton: Then let's keep moving.

With that, the group moved on. As they moved away from the area, Vlad took a moment to think out all possible scenarios concerning his escape. But as he goes so, he is approached by Repton who pulls out his Crystal powered Boomerang and holds his to his throat. 

Repton: What are you doing here?!

Vlad: I...I don't know! What kind of question is this?!

Repton: Don't make me ask you again!

Ruby: Hey! What are you doing?!

Repton: This one is hiding something! We were all chosen to be hunted. But don't fit. 

Vlad: I.....I don't know why we're here! I swear!

Repton: Don't lie to me! The Hunters picked eight warriors....nine including that Ghost and took you by accident? I don't think so.

In that moment, Vlad knew he had to pick his next words carefully. One one hand, he could easily use his Ghost powers to kill Repton, but that would force him to kill everyone else and compromise his own plans. On the other hand, he could try to manipulate Team RWBY and Suki into attacking Repton, but he wouldn't be able to manipulate Wrex or Sev. 

Vlad: Okay....okay! The Hunters....didn't make a mistake. 

Yang: Picking on Vlad isn't getting us nowhere!

Repton: I've been around Humans long enough to know their scent. And this one''s not like any Human I know. 

Vlad: There's....there's a reason for this. That....that Ghost out here....he's a part of me. 

Upon hearing this, the group became silent. 

Vlad: Where I come from, I'm an expert on the study of Ghosts. Several years ago, I was working on building a Ghost Portal with a few colleagues of mine. When we tested it, something went wrong and I was hit with a full blast of ectoplasmic energy. This...this rearranged my molecules and caused a part of myself to...split apart.

Wrex: The hell do you mean split apart?

Vlad: For reasons I don't know, something...split off and took a life of it's own, albeit in a Ghost form. It calls itself Vlad Plasmius. 

Ruby: You mean...that Ghost

Vlad: In a manner of speaking, yes.

Sev: Why didn't you say anything before?

Vlad: Because where I come from, my field of study is...looked down upon, shall we speak. I've dedicated my whole life in fusing Vlad Plasmius back and undo whatever damage he has done. But we should consider ourselves fortunate. 

Weiss: Why's that?

Vlad: Because he was working with a vile Ghost. Danny Phantom.

Yang: Vlad Plasmius? Danny Phantom? Sheesh these Ghost guys really need help in the name department. 

Blake: I think names is the least of our worries. 

Vlad: You have to believe me....I mean no harm! 

As Vlad says all this, Repton lowers his weapon. 

Repton: I'm keeping my eye on you, Masters. If you show much as show even a sign of you being a threat, the Hunters will be the least of your worries. 

With that, Repton backs off. Vlad takes a moment to catch his breath, relief that his deception worked at least for the time being. 

Ruby: Are you okay?

Vlad: I'll....I'll be fine. I'm sorry if I caused any trouble. 

Yang: No worries. We're kinda used to that by now. At least you came clean. 

Vlad: I...appreciate the understanding. 

Blake: Should we have to worry about Plasmius or this...Danny Phantom?

Vlad: Fortunately, it appears that these Hunters didn't bring Danny Phantom here with us. As for Vlad Plasmius, we don't have to worry about him....for now. As we speak, he'll be stalking us. Waiting for an opening. I suggest you keep your guard up. 

Ruby: Thanks for the heads up!

With that, the group pressed forward. Vlad smiled to himself as he continued his deception, albeit with a few alterations to his story. For now, all the group could do was press forward.

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