Chapter 11: Bloodshed, and Shattered Desires.

Start from the beginning

Microphone could tell Taco was... Nervous. Who wouldn't be? It's just horrible... But Microphone knew she didn't have a choice. Or at least, she didn't have good ones. Microphone looked at Taco in the eyes, and sadly stood, and walked towards Test Tube.

"Good choice..." Test Tube felt a grin tug at the corners of her mouth, but didn't let a smile shine through. "Once you put T-3 in the operation room, please go get the others." Test Tube commanded.

"A—alright..." Microphone choked out a sob. She was terrified. It just... wasn't fair...


Paintbrush, Lightbulb, and OJ sat in silence. Nobody spoke a word, except the occasional cry or yelp of pain from Lightbulb. She was curled up next to Paintbrush. Paintbrush was completely okay with this, and even pulled her closer, or comfortingly rubbed her 'back' to calm her at times.

OJ looked frustrated... He wanted to do something about this but couldn't. It was making him angry. OJ was also really worried about Paper. Did Test Tube even take him? If so, is he alright?! Where WAS Paper? OJ sighed and leaned further against the wall. All they could do is wait. Luckily, it wasn't for much longer, because Microphone walked through the door.

"H—hey uhm.... I need you guys to come with me..." She mumbled quietly. She didn't want to make too much of scene.

"LIKE HELL I WILL!" Paintbrush seemed to disobey Microphone much more then Test Tube.

"Please... I don't want any of your punishments to b—be worse then they already are..." She said as she rubbed the chip on her 'neck' area.

"Punishment—?! I— OF COURSE! UGH." OJ mumbled angrily before he looked back up at Mic. "Hey. HEY."

"H—huh...?" She flinched and looked down at OJ.

"Where the hell is Paper... and where the FUCK IS TACO." OJ yelled loudly.


"What about Paper..." OJ spat.

"Uhm... I'm not sure about him..." Mic answered as she rubbed the side of her arm awkwardly.

"Are you KIDDING." OJ hissed. "Tell me RIGHT NOW!" OJ walked up to Mic and tried to grab her but Microphone caught his arm, picked up Lightbulb too, knowing Paintbrush would follow.


"Ugh... Just give it up OJ..." Paintbrush mumbled bitterly. "We're stuck... Face the damn facts..."

Microphone nodded defeatedly in response. She knew this was the cold blunt truth...

OJ was silent after that. He looked over to Lightbulb, who was making incoherent sounds as if trying to start conversation. But... it was only in bits and pieces of words. It seems like she can't tell if she's speaking properly or at least... She can't anymore... Which was... Concerning.

Paintbrush had this... Look on their face... they seemed so... Dull and sad. It broke their heart to see Lightbulb like that.

"How can you just accept this...?!" OJ asked as he stared at Microphone with a shocked face laced with anger.

"..." She didnt answer at first. She stared at the ground full of sorrow. "I can't... I just... Have to save who I can." Microphone answered.

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