34. Holding On and Letting Go

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Meilin's eyes welled up with emotion upon hearing Qingcang's words. "I've dealt with this for months..." she whispered slowly, her voice trembling and her despair evident in her eyes. "I can handle another blow..." she trailed off, her voice choked and her lips quivering, looking downward.

Silently, Qingcang observed Meilin; his eyes fixed on her form from the corner of his own. He listened intently, his presence a comforting anchor in the storm of her emotions. "I will not allow you to bear this pain," he firmly commanded, catching her off guard. "I can feel your emotions and thoughts. There is no need to hold yourself back in my presence."

Qingcang's words struck Meilin, rendering her momentarily speechless. The barrier within her began to crumble, and the sorrow that had been suppressed for far too long surged to the surface. Tears welled up, spilling over the edge of her eyes, as she silently wept without letting him see her cry, her anguish consuming her.

As Meilin's tears fell, Qingcang, connected through their shared bond, found his eyes welling up in response. He wept alongside her, intimately experiencing every ounce of the pain that ravaged her heart. His eyes reddened with sorrow, his throat constricting with a lump that refused to be swallowed. 'She doesn't want me to witness her tears?' he pondered, his heart heavy.

Suddenly, Meilin felt the gentle guidance of Qingcang's hand, the back of her head tenderly pressed against his collarbone to allow her to cry without him seeing it. Nestled against him, she inhaled his familiar scent, finding solace in the shelter he provided. She lost the facade of her toughness in his embrace, allowing herself to surrender to him completely. Her tears flowed freely, dampening the stylish fabric of his robe. Her cries grew louder with each sob, feeling her heart pierced by a dozen knives, accompanied by mournful sounds. And so, she wept, pouring her heart out in a torrent of tears, her emotions released in the comfort of his presence.

Unbeknownst to Meilin, Qingcang's tears streamed, tracing a path down his face as she lowered her head, seeking solace in the shelter of his chiseled chest

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Unbeknownst to Meilin, Qingcang's tears streamed, tracing a path down his face as she lowered her head, seeking solace in the shelter of his chiseled chest. Her arms grew weak, unable to support herself any longer. The weight of her unbearable pain bore down on him, and he closed his eyes in grief, experiencing a heartbreak he had never known before, intimately shared through her anguish. His trembling hands released their previous pressure and tenderly came to rest on her head. Bending down, he observed her, her face concealed as she continued to weep, seeking refuge in the shelter of his abdomen.

"I-I've been a fool," Meilin stammered, her words interrupted by sobs. "I allowed myself to be deceived for years, unsure if Yichen ever returned my feelings. I wasted so much time believing in a mere hunch that was false. I tolerated that I was never considered worthy to be a part of his family. I tried so desperately to change myself, to become more composed."

Qingcang remained silent, his tears flowing as he listened intently to Meilin's words. With each cry that escaped her lips, his heart constricted with a fresh pang, urging him to turn away and face the wall.

The Moon Supreme, Dongfang QingcangWhere stories live. Discover now