30. Silly Little Human!

Start from the beginning

Suddenly, electricity ran through both of their bodies, and the unexpected jolt left a strange effect on them. It filled them with an inexplicable warmth that reached their hearts, and they both felt a sense of vulnerability and openness.

'What's happening? Is this dangerous?' Meilin thought, stunned at the sudden electricity around them. She tried to push herself off Qingcang but had no strength; the electricity glued them together.

Qingcang felt resistance and feistiness leaving him as if the electricity had pulled those traits out of his system, leaving him with nothing except his true self, the man behind the mask. He felt himself getting weaker by the second as if a force was absorbing a part of him and detoxifying him from his aggressive identity.

Dongfang Qingcang and Meilin gazed at each other as she lay on top of him, feeling incredibly awkward and uncomfortable.

'WHY didn't he push me away? Don't tell me that this RASCAL is enjoying this!' Meilin thought as she felt too weak to push herself off Qingcang due to the electricity that forced them together like magnets. Her body tensed up, and she was at her wit's end, feeling like she was about to lose her mind. They were still in an embarrassing position, their mouths still on each other.

Suddenly, Meilin's eyes felt heavy, and she closed her eyes and drifted off into a daydream, experiencing a vision:




Standing before a small group of people, a middle-aged man dressed in a long, flowing white robe was shouting at a man whose face was blurry and unidentifiable, his voice echoing across the damp expanse. The middle-aged man wore a gleaming golden headpiece, which glinted in the sunlight, casting a shimmering reflection across his face.

"The Moon Tribe are our enemies," the middle-aged man bellowed, "Take a stand and kill them! This is your destiny."

The unidentified man hesitated, his voice faltering, "This is not a battle I want to fight."

"Nonsense!" exclaimed the middle-aged man, his voice rising even higher. He continued to urge the unidentified man to fight against the Moon Tribe. "You are the one to bring victory to our tribe," he said persuasively, his words carrying an almost hypnotic quality.

Despite the man's persuasive words, the unidentified man remained hesitant and unwilling to participate in the conflict. "I do not wish to harm others, and violence only leads to more violence," he said firmly, his voice filled with conviction.

The middle-aged man grew angry and impatient with the unidentifiable man's reluctance. "Are you rebelling against your people?" he asked sneakingly, his eyes narrowing with suspicion.




'She's not waking up,' Qingcang thought, still stunned at the sudden turn of events.

Meilin's eyes opened wide in surprise before returning to consciousness. She had just experienced a vision that lasted only a few seconds, and now she was back in a compromising situation. She noticed that the lightning had disappeared and that she was still on top of a Moon Tribesman. She knew it was not a vision this time as she felt his soft lips against hers, and panic set in.

'Oh no, I'M STILL KISSING HIM!' Meilin screamed internally.

Qingcang was taken aback as Meilin suddenly pushed herself away from him, and he could see the fear and shock in her eyes. As she stumbled back, she accidentally hit her head on the nearby coffee table, and he also felt a sharp pain in the back of his head. He groaned in discomfort and annoyance. He thought, 'That clumsy human!' as he slowly brought his hand to his head, feeling her pain as his own.

The Moon Supreme, Dongfang QingcangWhere stories live. Discover now