Field of Ruins

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You know those times when you question the choices you made? Yeah, that's me right now. I've made a lot of choices in my life. From deciding whether to go after Eggman Nega when he went to the past or whether following an invitation to a race in the past would be a good idea. Most of the time, when I go to the past, it's because my time is destroyed or just downright awful. For once though, my future was saved. We stopped the zombot virus and everything in the future was as bright as the past. Then, I woke up one morning and it all went away like someone snapped their fingers.

I had been sleeping at an apartment. It was definitely a change from sleeping atop ruined buildings or in a little cave on the side of a mountain. When I woke up though, the apartment had been ripped apart. Glass lay scattered on the ground. My bed had collapsed into a pile. Even the wooden doors and drawers looked as though someone had eaten through them. It was so strange, yet I didn't try to reason with it. I figured I would go into the past and figure out what happened. No big deal. I'd just grab the time stone from my drawer...

Using my psychokinesis, I tried to open the drawer. For it being such an effortless motion, it was straining. The door barely opened before my psychokinesis cut out. I stared at my hands. "Well, that's weird." I grabbed the knob of the drawer with my hand instead and opened it. To my surprise, the drawer was empty. Shoving my hand in, I searched the drawer to no avail. The time stone was gone. My only way of traveling to the past disappeared.

I sighed. No worries...I would just search around for another time stone. Maybe I could even find the Chaos Emeralds? Not sure what they would do to help though.

As I walked away from the drawer, something told me to take one more look inside. I had already scoured the little compartment. There was nothing in there but air. Still, I decided to check again. Lo and behold, inside was a Chaos Emerald. I picked up the yellow gem and felt around the drawer again. Where did it come from? I needed answers. Grabbing the little bag hanging on my leaning bed frame, I placed the Chaos Emerald in the bag and headed out the hole in the wall.

For only a second, I tried to use my powers. They seemed stable at the moment so, I flew out the apartment and safely landed on the ground. The gem felt warm on my side. That was when I felt someone watching me.

I turned around. A glimpse of a shadow ran along the wall of an alleyway. Someone was still alive in this? Maybe I could ask them what happened? A small voice told me to investigate. That was even more incentive to follow the shadow.

I tried to fly after the shadow, but my powers failed me again. Shaking my hands I muttered, "Come on! Work please!" Not even a flicker. My bag glowed yellow as the shadow began to vanish. Well, there was always old-fashioned running.

By the time I reached the alleyway, the shadow had disappeared, but the scenery changed. Before, it was foggy with destroyed buildings in the background. Now, the walls around me seemed seared with ash. Smoke came up from the ground and heat pierced my quills. I stopped. My stomach lurched. A creature was right in front of me.  The demonic monster known as the Ifrit.

"So, you finally came back for me?"

A voice cut through the air like a knife. A voice I knew all too well. Giving out a whisper, I murmured, "Eggman Nega?"

"Precisely, now if you don't mind, I'd like to leave here while my skin is still on my body."

Eggman Nega had no gadgets, no cards, no vehicles. He was just standing in front of me, completely unscathed despite the conditions I left him in and the creature right behind him. I do regret leaving Eggman Nega in the Ifrit's dimension like that. Sure, he may have been a pain, but he didn't deserve this end. If only I knew how I went from my future to a different dimension though.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2023 ⏰

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