22. Qingcang Falling For Meilin

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Slowly but surely, the energies began to wear Meilin down, draining her strength and willpower. She felt herself surrendering to her inevitable demise, her body, and soul giving up in defeat. 

"God, please help me," Meilin cried out in desperation, her voice echoing through the empty streets. "Either You alone or through someone capable that You send."

Dongfang Qingcang was nowhere to be found, stuck in a dream due to their heart bond that made him obey her every command if Meilin willed it. However, she did not know what she did to cause this misfortune to herself. The only physical being who could save her was idle, and she was alone.

Meilin looked up just in time to see a shadowy figure with glowing eyes and sharp claws advancing toward her. Her heart froze in her chest as the creature grabbed her by the throat, lifting her off the ground effortlessly. She struggled, clawing at its fingers, but it was no use. The monster's grip was too firm, and she felt her vision starting to fade as she choked. The monster rapidly brought her high into the sky, as high as a skyscraper and beyond.

But the creature only growled in response. "Dead," it whispered, its cold breath washing over Meilin's face as the clouds' anomaly strangled her.

Meilin's heart sank at the realization that she was going to die. She closed her eyes, tears streaming down her face, and prepared for the inevitable impact. But then, a desperate hope flared up inside her. "G-God, I have faith... in You..." she called out with all her might in-between breaths. "...t-to... save me... f-from Your... evil creations," she cried out, her voice raw with fear and pain. The monster's grip loosened and let her go to fall from an extreme height. The harsh wind blew in her face as she fell, drying her wet eyes. 

But Meilin did not want to die. 'This is not the end for me,' she thought as the world spun around her and the Earth's surface became visible. For a moment, everything was a blur. The world spun around her, and she saw flashes of green grass, blue sky, and white clouds. She heard the rush of wind in her ears and felt the cool breeze on her skin.

The ground came into focus, and Meilin realized she was hurtling towards it at an incredible speed. Closing her eyes, her body began to rotate mid-air, turning her face towards the sky instead of the fast-nearing surface about to crush her bones once she crashlanded. She gritted her teeth, preparing for the impact.

As Meilin's demise seemed inevitable and she approached the ground while still high in the sky, a thick shadow resembling a pair of large wing-shaped auras appeared behind her, making her back land on top of him. It looked as though it was her mystical wings. The shadow adorned her back beautifully, with the top edge perfectly aligned with her arms. Red orbs danced around her body in beautiful shimmers.

A figure suddenly materialized between the wings, wrapping his arms around Meilin tightly as they both fell

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A figure suddenly materialized between the wings, wrapping his arms around Meilin tightly as they both fell. She expected to hit the ground in a minute, but instead, she landed on a fleshy surface that felt all too familiar. Strong hands wrapped around her waist, touching her pink lace dress and holding her stomach firmly.

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