18. Make Him Jealous

Start from the beginning

Right now he was sitting in his office, waiting for Jimin to come.

"Taehyung I swear we are doomed! Today when I ask Jungkook for a day leave he replied back with his usual cold voice. He never does that to me when we are alone meaning that he is super mad and angry." Jimin said while barging into his office.

Taehyung didn't mind that for now cause right now his first priority is his husband.

"So what can we do Jimin. I tried to initiate a conversation between us but he didn't replied back and ignored me." Taehyung said

"We will look into that but first, tell me exactly why is he angry with us?" Jimin asked wanting to know the answer since he received the text.

"Ummm.... I may or may not have lashed out over him for not telling me that he is a mafia leader too and may or may not have thrown some accusations like him betraying me an-and.." Taehyung started feeling scared from the look Jimin was giving him.

"What exactly did you did Mr. Kim freaking Taehyung?" Jimin asked having one of his eyebrows raised.

Taehyung sighed in defeat before he started to narrate the whole story to him.

By the end of his narration Jimin had a shocked and disappointed look on his face.
"You for sure have very bad anger issues huh Kim?"

"Its not my fault that I lose my temper easily ok? Its hormonal."

"But you should try to control your raging harmones Kim. See now we both have to face the consequences just because of your fucking hormones!"

"I said sorry ok! I was not on my right mind at that time."

"When are you even huh?"

Like that they started to fight with each other until they both got tired.

"Fighting and bickering like this is not going to help. We have to think of something." Jimin said

"What do you mean by we have to think? I thought you will be coming with an idea already." V asked in disbelief.

"And how was i suppose to do so when all i know about the situation was nothing hah?" Jimin deadpanned

"Ok ok let's think about a solution." Jimin said not wanting to bicker again once he saw Taehyung was ready to open his mouth to do so.

"How about a date?" Taehyung asked with hope filled eyes.


"I mean, how about I take Jungkook on a date with me? He will be happy and we will ask for his forgiveness then."

"Nope, not gonna happen."


"Jungkook hate going on dates even if he have not gone on one but he truely despise them."

"What but who don't love going on a date?"

"That coconut head thinks that its nasty and cringey. Only I know what types of faces he makes when I discuss about my date with Yoongi hyung to him."

'You and your Kookie, both got the same brain cells...' V spoke internally to Taehyung.

"Then what can we do?"

"I don't really know. That boy kinda keeps his things to himself and rarely talk them out to me." Jimin sighed feeling disappointed with himself.

"Wait I have an idea?" Jimin screamed

"What?" V asked but got an dirty and mischievous look in return.

"What are you thinking midget? Don't give me that look. I m feeling scared already."

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