There weren't many people to exist that Angel actually took a liking to because it had always been hard for her to form emotional bonds, but Roman was most definitely an exception. With him, she felt everything.

She'd get sad whenever one of them was at work and couldn't talk, she'd be so overwhelmed with happiness every time that she saw him, she'd get upset when he forgot the sauce she needed from Chic-Fil-A, and she was at peace whenever she was wrapped up in his arms.

Nobody had ever made her feel the way he did. And it was like he did it with such little effort, too; as if making her happy was just second-nature for him. It was crazy how they'd gotten so deep with each other so quickly. Neither of them regretted anything either.

Roman always told her how she'd restored a feeling inside of him that he'd forgot existed, and that made her so happy. She was glad her feelings weren't one sided. She had a fixation on him that couldn't be explained, and she hoped this feeling would go away any time soon.

"Wanna go stop by your house to grab some clothes?" He rubbed over her hard nipple with his thumb, tilting her head back so that she looked at him.

"I can't stay another night because your girls are coming home soon. Stop trying to be slick." She kept her eyes closed as she spoke with humor laced in her tone.

"You ain't gotta leave. They all wanna meet you anyway."

"Really? Have you been telling them good things about me?" Her eyes opened at his words, a curious look on her face.

"Mhm. I got better shit to say now but it ain't appropriate." He grinned, and she scoffed before pushing his head back, making him laugh.

"Stop talking about it now Roman. Geez. I've never heard so much about my own nani." She turned over to lay on her back with a smile as her expression, pulling the cover up higher on her body.

"I can talk about that shit for days. Fat ma get wet as fuck for me a-,"

"Romannnnn," She dragged out in a fake annoyed voice, and he fell into another fit of laughter that she eventually joined in on.

"Aight. Aight, I'm done. I won't say nothin' else 'bout ya pussy. I promise." He held his hands up in surrender, and she rolled her eyes, knowing that wasn't true.

It was all he'd been talking about.

"You are so nasty, I still can't believe you did that. I pee and bleed from down there. Did you know that?" She squinted at him, and he nodded with a shrug of his shoulders.

"That ain't stopping nothing." He shrugged again, and Angel put a fake frown of disgust on her face, making him laugh once more.

"Is that normal? My sister never told me about anybody putting their mouth down there. I don't think that's sanitary." She tucked the cover under her shoulder to stop the air from coming in, looking over at him.

"Yeah, it's normal. Why you acting like you ain't like it?" He tilted his head, sure that she remembered the way she came back to back for him.

"I did like it-I loved it. But that doesn't make it less gross. If I was a man, I'd be scared to do that 'cause what if it tastes or smells funny?"

"You don't taste or smell funny. I knew that before I even ate you out. Niggas can tell if that pussy ah' stank or not. Trust."

"Oh my." She put her hand over her chest at his vulgarity, and he laughed, rolling his eyes at her.

"Yo' vocabulary so cute. You so animated." He chuckled while leaning his head forward to kiss her cheek, putting a smile on her face.

Angel has surprisingly heard that before. She often used onomatopoeias and gave physical reactions to certain stuff that she'd see or hear, as if she was a cartoon character or something. It honestly probably originated from all of the cartoons she watched growing up.

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