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It's been five long years and despite all the hardships they have all endured in their lives, being together has brought a feeling of peace and happiness that none of them ever thought possible.

The pack was still going strong and had added quite a few new members, some turning due to vampires crossing over their lands for a brief time or in the case of some of the members, had produced cubs.

Sam and Hermione had found out she was pregnant only a few weeks after the incident with Bella. Their first-born Son, who they named Harrison Uley, was the spitting image of his father, with his copper skin and dark features but as he grew, they found he had both his mother's intelligence and her ability to do magic. It came as a surprise when he was showing signs of being a shapeshifter without going through the same experience the other men in the pack did. It seems his fathers ability to turn into a wolf and his mother's animagus form had created a different type of shapeshifter, someone who had wolf traits from birth.

A few months after Hadrian was born, Ginny and Paul found out they were having twins. Ginny gave birth to two beautiful baby girls, both with copper-coloured skin and red hair that was much darker than hers. They named them Anastasia Hermione Lahote and Luna Alice Lahote. At the moment, they are only showing signs of inheriting their mother's magic and not quite showing any signs of being a shapeshifter just yet. Much to Ginny's horror, they were just as mischievous as her two older brothers and found that Fred and George were their favourite uncles, much to the dismay of the other males in the pack.

It wasn't until a year later that pansy and Jacob were expecting their first child. The pack had bets going on what the gender was but unfortunately for them, the couple made them wait until she was in labour to find out. Their Son, Leo Sirius Black was born at 4 am on July 31st, sharing his birthday with one of his favourite uncles, Harry. Leo had also inherited his mother's ability to perform magic and the pack often finds the toddler in either Hadrian's crib or sharing one with the twins because despite being put into his own every night, he somehow ends up somewhere else.

Leah and Harry are yet to grace the pack with a cub but much to everyone's surprise, they were the first to marry, making Leah, Lady Potter. Another surprise that struck the pack was the beautiful romance between Remus and Sirius, who had revealed that they had dated back at Hogwarts but thought at the time that they were better off as friends. Of course, now that they had grown up and were living in peace, they decided to give it another go and everyone could see how truly happy they were together. Teddy had started calling Sirius pops and no matter how many times the older wizard wants to deny it, he had cried happy tears for a good hour or so afterwards. The young metamorphmagus was thrilled with the new additions to the pack, he had taken the role of the older cousin and he took the job extremely seriously. He was protective and patient with them all, and in between his private lessons with his two fathers, Godparents and aunt and uncles, he still finds the time to play with them and read them stories whenever they were going down for a nap.

The other members of the pack had found their imprints and were either still going to school or simply enjoying the life of being a couple without children at the moment. The Cullens were still a huge factor in the pack and were seen in the pack house majority of the time. Luna had found a spell to stop them from sparkling in the sun, allowing them to be around people even during the sunniest of days. Speaking of Luna, she was happily married to Edward and despite her friends wanting to find a spell that would allow her and Edward to conceive a child of their own, Luna politely declined and explained that since the battle at Hogwarts, she was unable to carry children of her own. The blonde has always wanted children but had accepted the fact that wasn't possible and was happy to be the eccentric auntie who told the children all about the rare and mystical creatures. 

The silver trio (Blaise, Draco and Theo) continued to visit whenever they could in between meetings for the Wizengamot, meetings for the school councils and their jobs at the ministry. Draco had fallen in love with a coworker named Yasmine Russo, a muggle-born witch with a fiery attitude and a great sense of humour. The wizarding world was in shock and disbelief when their relationship was revealed in the daily prophet. many of the pureblood women who had hoped to have a marriage contract with the Malfoy lord had accused the beautiful and kindhearted woman of poisoning Draco with love potions, though they simply shrugged off the rumours and enjoyed their time together. Blaise and Theo's relationship didn't come as much of a shock, the two Slytherins always had quite a flirtatious relationship and everyone could feel the sexual tensions between the two for many years, even at Hogwarts.

After Hermione obliviated Bella, she spent a while grieving over her failed relationship with Edward and also because he had moved on with someone else, though after a year or so, she had finally moved on and fallen in love with none other than Mike Newton. Charlie remained the chief of police and had started a relationship with Sue clearwater, who had apologised wholeheartedly for the way she reacted to her two children when she found out about their shift. The pack and Charlie remained good friends, though they all made sure to stay away from Bella whenever she returned to Forks to visit her father. The two had grown much closer and had a better relationship ever since she had gained a lot more confidence and had her attitude adjusted, which seemed to happen after she was obliviated.

The Weasley family had changed a lot throughout the years. Arthur had indeed divorced Molly after turning up at the ministry and threatened Kingsley, the current Minister of magic to find Hermione and return her to Britain so she can marry Ron. He also disowned his youngest Son after he was convicted of kidnapping and rape and sentenced to life in Azkaban. The victim was a muggle-born witch who was freshly out of Hogwarts, she had similar features to Hermione and that seemed to cause Ron to gain an unhealthy obsession with her. After a few rejections on her part, he decided to use a muggle drug to spike her drink, leaving her confused and unable to protect herself from his disgusting actions. So, whilst he rotted in prison, Molly decided to remarry rather quickly to the man she had been conversing with over letters for many years. She tried to gain the title of Lady Prewett and grew outraged when the goblins and ministry informed her that her second oldest Son, Charlie, had taken up the title many years before which is what led her to the decision to remarry, otherwise she would hold the title of Molly Noname, which is shamed upon in the magical world.
The Weasley men continued to live their lives and enjoy their jobs, though Arthur had decided that working in the ministry no longer suited him and thanks to his only daughter, he had taken the job in the magical district in America, working with muggle items and converting them into something magical.

Overall, after everything they had been through in life, they were finally happy and living the lives they had always hoped for. In the pack's opinion, it was all thanks to Hermione and Ginny.

That is the end of my story and I hope you all enjoyed it. I know it came to an abrupt ending but in all honesty, I lost the motivation and interest in it.

Thank you all for the support you have shown me! It means a lot!

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