Part 29

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After the battle with the newborns, we all decided to go back to the pack house, however, our first stop was at the Swan residence. The pack stayed in their wolf forms and kept hidden in the woods whilst myself and Edward escorted Bella home, the Cullens remained in the car.

"I don't understand why I can't go with you guys" Bella whined as we pulled up at her home, her red truck sitting in the drive along with her father's cop car.

"Because we don't like you" I replied with a shrug and a bored tone. From the corner of my eye, I could see Edward turn his head the opposite way to hide his laughter, though the snicker that escaped his mouth gave him away.

"Why are you laughing?" Bella hissed, her face showing her frustration but her eyes held slight betrayal, not that Edward seemed to care.

"Because I felt like it" He responded as he opened the door of his car and exited, me following close behind. We turned around and noticed that Bella had not left the car, instead, she was glaring at both of us with so much hatred that I'm surprised she hadn't burned a hole through the window.

"She's a pain in my arse" I groaned to Edward, who hummed in agreement before I yanked her door open.

"Get out" I huffed impatiently, but she simply crossed her arms over her chest and pouted like a child. I rubbed my temples in hopes to ease the headache that was beginning to form.

"Isabella Swan, get the fuck out of the car, now!" I demanded through gritted teeth, making her jump slightly before leaving the car, ridiculously slowly. I grabbed her by the arm and yanked her the rest of the way before slamming the car door shut behind her.

"Go" I gesture toward her home, but instead of doing as she was told, she turned to Edward with pleading eyes.

"Please Edward-"

"Go home, Bella" He growled, his patience thinning as time went on. With one last glare, she stomped her way toward her front door before unlocking it and slamming the door behind her.

"How did you ever have feelings for her?" I questioned Edward in genuine curiosity. He glared at me playfully as he nudged me to the side, making me laugh and shove him back before getting back into the car in a hurry.

Of course, we weren't aware of the jealous and heated glare that was coming from the upstairs window of Bella's home.

As we arrived at the pack house, it was a lot louder than I had ever heard it. Edward followed me through the house with equal curiosity and wandered out into the backyard, where the swimming pool was being occupied by multiple people. Sirius and Remus, we're standing by the bbq pit, having an intense debate about the correct way to cook steak.

"Hey, cub. Dropped Bella off okay?" Remus questioned as he handed me a glass of fire whiskey. I let out a long groan and shot the drink back In one, making me hiss at the burning sensation that settled in my chest.

"That bad, huh?" Harry interrupted with an amused chuckle, earning a half-hearted glare from me as Remus poured me yet another glass.

"The girl is a pain in the arse" earning a snort from Sirius, who was listening to the conversation and flipping over some burgers on the grill.

"Just obliviate the girl to forget everyone, including the pack and the Cullens. Life would be much simpler" He suggested, making everyone stop what they were doing and look at him with shocked but agreeable expressions.

"Can you do that?" A familiar voice was heard from the pool, making me spin around with wide eyes.

"Draco? What are you doing here?" I ask in shock, making him place a hand over his heart with a faux hurtful expression.

"Am I not wanted? I thought we were friends Granger" He proceeded to wipe a fake tear from his eyes, gaining chuckles from those around him. I simply stared at him with a bored expression, making him sigh.

"Fine, I was bored and decided to keep everyone company. I'm sure you can imagine my surprise when there was no one in sight, and then I found out that there was a battle with baby vampires-"

"Newborn vampires" Jasper corrected as he sucked on a blood pop.

"That's what I said, baby vampire. anyway, I feel betrayed that I was not invited to have some fun too" I raised an eyebrow at his dramatics, though I let out a small giggle at the pack and Cullen's shocked expressions.

"I hardly call it fun-"

"Hush Potter, the grown-ups are talking" Draco waved Harry off, making the raven-haired man stick his middle finger up in the blonde's direction.

"Can we get back to what Sirius said? Can you remove her memories of us" Rosalie questioned with hopeful eyes, making a smile of amusement appear on my face.

"Of course, we can, Vampire beauty" Sirius responded with a smirk, earning a warning growl from Emmet and a giggle from Rosalie.

"If we're doing this, when can we make it happen?" Edward asked eagerly from beside Luna as they sat on the pool chairs.

"Whenever you want, handsome" Luna shrugged and turned her attention back on the quibbler, missing the adored smile that Edward sent her.

"We'll arrange it another day, Eddie boy. For now, we'll enjoy ourselves and celebrate our win" Ginny declared from Paul's lap, clinking her glass of vodka and orange with her mate's beer bottle.

"To, fucking up the baby vampires" Draco cheered, raising his whiskey glass in the air before drinking it in one.

"You're most definitely related to Sirius" Harry shook his head in amusement, earning a defensive 'Hey' from the cousins.

"I'm more handsome" Sirius flipped his shoulder-length hair with confidence. Remus scoffed at his best friend, earning a half-hearted glare from the Animagus.

"Such lies" Draco muttered with a shake of his head, only the ones with enhanced hearing were able to hear his quiet remark.

"Yes, you're both rather handsome" Luna spoke innocently, her eyes never leaving the words on the page. Edward's head snapped towards her with a small growl, his face showing possessiveness and jealousy.

"Don't worry, my mate, they're nothing compared to you" She purred before placing a soft kiss on his lips. When she pulled away, everyone chuckled at his dazed look and goofy smile.

"He's so whipped" Emmet whispered to Jasper and Carlisle, both nodding their heads in agreement with low chuckles.

"I'm sorry to say, but my mate beats you all in the looks compartment" I declared, sending a flirtatious wink to Sam, who had settled himself in the pool along with the pack, Harry and Draco. A confident smirk formed on his face, and his chest puffed out with pride at the compliment.

"Hardly" Paul scoffed with an eye roll, earning a playful glare from his Alpha whilst Ginny simply Sniggered behind her hand.

"You're all so stupid" Harry chuckled, receiving offensive sounds from multiple people.

"Foods ready, bitches!"

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