Part 35

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Training the new member of the pack was a lot more straightforward than they expected, Sam had experience with training the newly transformed wolves and had expected Seth, (seeing that he was the youngest to transform in generations), to struggle more with his control. Much to their shock and relief, within two weeks, Seth had successfully transformed at will and had managed to control the intense anger that comes with being a shapeshifter, though he claims that he wasn't necessarily feeling that type of anger in the first place.

"I don't believe you" Paul declared with narrowed eyes whilst Ginny cuddled into him, her body shaking from her quiet laughter.

"I don't know what to tell you, Paul. I just don't feel angry" Seth shrugged and went back to his meal that Hermione had made the group.

"Bullshit" Paul shouted, though he wasn't angry but very much confused. Paul had always been the most hot-headed out of the group and had struggled the most with controlling his anger, though having Ginny most definitely helped.

"Paul, mind your language" Hermione scolded from behind him as she placed some roasting hot mac and cheese on his plate.

"Sorry, Mione" He responded absentmindedly as he stared in awe at the creamy food that he was served.

"She can't talk, she curses more than the rest of us" Harry chuckled, earning amused laughs from the others around the table whilst Hermione glared half-halfheartedly in his direction.

"Shut the fuck up," She said, pointing the spatula at him which earned another round of chuckles.

"What are the Cullens like?" Seth questioned, causing the dining room to come to a halt. He looked around nervously but relaxed slightly when he didn't see any angry or worried looks.

"They are amazing people, they may be cautious at first but that's because shapeshifters tend to be rather aggressive towards their kind. I'm sure you'll do just fine" Hermione reassured with a soft smile, making Seth's heart warm at the thought of someone being so confident in his ability to stay in control.

Unfortunately, the talk with his mother did not go as planned and he was quite literally, disowned because according to her, she had no clue his father was a shapeshifter either, not that any of them knew him all that well. He hoped after a while, she would calm down and they'd be able to have a civilised conversation, but apparently, that was too much to ask because she simply slammed the door in his face after throwing the rest of his belonging out on the doorstep. Since then, Hermione had done everything in her power to love, adore and look after the cub and hoped to show him that even if he didn't have his mother, he still had the pack.

"I'm home" the loud and boisterous voice of Emmet was heard throughout the home, followed by the other Cullens who either made their disapproval clear whilst the others chuckled at his entrance. Seth watched with a smile had Luna jumped up instantly and skipped out into the hallway, disappearing out of sight.

"Come, Seth has been wanting to meet you," Luna said in her usual flowy voice before coming into the room followed by a group of unnaturally gorgeous people.

"Seth, come meet my mate and the extended version of the pack" Luna held out her hand for the young shapeshifter to take, which he did with only slight hesitation. Nervously, he walked towards the group and was surprised by the warm smile that greeted him, he expected at least some caution like Hermione warned but from the look on her face, it seemed even she is shocked.

"Hello Seth, I'm Edward and this is my family. Carlisle, Esme, Emmet, Rosalie, Jasper and Alice"

From there, they spent the whole day getting to know one another which was surprisingly easy. The pack made sure to keep an eye on him in case something or someone triggered his temper, despite being amazing at controlling it, they didn't want to risk it. There was the lingering question on what will come of Seth's older sister, Leah and whether or not she will be a shapeshifter or follow her mothers footsteps and completely disown the youngest of their little family.

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