Part 39

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It wasn't until the month after that everything came to a stressful head. The pack and Cullens had been worried about Bella and her knowing their secret, it seems like Edward was the only one who had faith that she would indeed keep it a secret. He was under the impression that no one would believe her, but it was during one of their joint dinners that a knock on the pack house door was heard.

Hermione sighed in frustration, having just sat down for their meal before they got disturbed. She went to the door and once open, she was shocked to come face to face with none other than Charlie Swan and his daughter, Bella, who held a smug smirk on her face.

"Hello, chief Swan. How can I help you?" She asked politely, leaning against the doorframe with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Hello, Miss Granger. I was wondering if I could come in, I have some things I would like to discuss with you" From the corner of her eye, she could see the entrance Hall filled with the Weasleys, Slytherins and the extended pack. When Hermione looked over at Bella, she saw her brown eyes wide in shock when she noticed the Cullens standing happily with the shapeshifter pack.

"Of course, come on in" She stepped to the side and the Swans hesitantly entered the home. Charlie was looking at each person with suspicion in his eyes whilst Bella was glaring at Luna, who was tucked under Edwards's arm. Hermione gestured for the father and daughter to follow her into the family room, picking up Teddy on the way, whose hair was charmed to stay a brown colour when around muggles. The large extended pack followed close behind, making both Swans extremely nervous, especially Bella, who had told Charlie a big load of lies to get him there in the first place.

"It's good to see you, Charlie. How can we help you?" Carlisle asked the Chief of police, who was now sitting on the couch beside his daughter.

"Well, Bella has recently come to me and complained about the death threats and abuse she has received from your group-" In the crowd was deep laughter and as they parted, Charlie noticed a young man with glowing emerald eyes and wild Raven hair.

"Your daughter has been nothing but a hassle for my family. She has continued to stalk them, harass them and me in supermarkets and do nothing but shout horrible shit at my little sister because she's now dating Edward. I'm sorry chief but whatever your daughter has said, is a complete lie" Charlie looked over at his daughter with wide eyes, not wanting to believe what the male has said was true. Unfortunately, the moment he saw the pale and frightened look on her face, he knew she was lying to him. However, that wasn't the only matter that they needed to discuss.

"We will get back to that in a minute. I've also been told that you're all some sort of supernatural creatures" They all tensed and the glares that were sent in Bella's direction were so violent that it made her jump back and curl into herself. However, Hermione did not take her eyes off Charlie, who In her opinion, didn't seem all too shocked about being in a room full of supernaturals.

"You already knew, didn't you?" This caught everyone's attention, who was looking between Hermione and Charlie in confusion. Bella, however, seemed to gain some confidence and let out a scoff with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Oh please, Charlie didn't know shit until I told him" The extended pack saw the hurt in Charlie's eyes when his own daughter refused to call him anything but his name. It was pretty clear that they didn't have a normal father-daughter relationship, to be quite honest, they seemed like complete strangers.

"Actually, I did know" He mumbled, his head lowered in shame for not telling his daughter sooner, though that thought vanished when he remembered she hadn't told him either, especially about dating a vampire.

"What!?" She screeched, making everyone cringe at the high pitch. Charlie looked at his daughter with what they could all describe as annoyance and slight guilt. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"You didn't tell him about your association either" Luna shrugged casually, making a few of those around her chuckle whilst the others nod in agreement. Bella, however, sent her a vicious glare which did not seem to affect the blonde witch in the slightest.

"You can shut your disgusting-" A low and threatening growl was heard, which caused Bella to jump and pale once again. Charlie looked at Hermione with wide eyes, though it wasn't out of fear but awe.

"Watch what you say to my pack, Isabella" She warned making the shapeshifters behind her lower their head in submission as she unknowingly used her alpha command.

"How did you know about the supernatural, Chief Swan?" Remus questioned curiously as he bounced Teddy on his hip.

"My mother was from a magical family in France, she was a squib who married my father, who's a muggle. Unlike most wizarding families, my mother was not disowned nor looked down upon and so I spent a lot of time with my grandparents before they passed" those from the magical were shocked and rather fascinated, they hadn't expected Charlie to know about their world, let alone be related to someone who came from a magical family. When Hermione glanced at Bella, she had to hold back her chuckle at the absolute fury on her face, her cheeks were as red as Ginny's hair and her fists were balled up.

"That's good to know but your daughter is still a problem, she has the knowledge of the supernatural world and in all honesty, she can't be trusted with it" Ginny spoke softly to the man, ignoring the angry spluttering coming from Bella, who was glaring viciously towards her father and the pack.

"I understand. My grandmother mentioned a spell to remove memories, will that be an option?"

"WHAT! You are not taking my memories away from me! I'm Edwards' mate and I will have him" What they didn't expect was for Bella to pull out a huge knife and charge at Luna, her eyes full of hatred and madness. However, before Luna could be pulled behind Edward in order to protect her, the blonde witch swung her fist and it landed perfectly against Bella's nose with a crack. The knife was immediately dropped as Bella crumpled to the floor, her hands over her now bleeding nose and tears pouring down her wide eyes as she stared up at the blonde in shock.

"Nice one, Luna" Emmet laughed loudly, earning a disapproving look from Esme but from the slight twitch from her mouth, they could all tell she was holding back her own laughter. Charlie looked down at his daughter with much emotion in his eyes, he was disappointed by her behaviour and quite worried, she hadn't ever acted in such a violent manner and he was concerned for her mental health. He looked up, finding Hermiones who seems like the leader of the group and his eyes pleaded for her to do something.

"I can obliviate her and replace it with something else-"

"Is that safe?" Charlie asked nervously, looking down at his bleeding daughter with sad eyes.

"Don't worry Charlie, it's all perfectly safe. I'll simply make her think that she and Edward broke up and after a while, he found another girlfriend. She won't remember anything that happened when it came to the supernatural, in her mind, Edward, the Cullens and the pack are ordinary humans" Charlie looked between his daughter and Hermione a few times before letting out a tired sigh and nodding his head. He ignored his daughter's pleas and angry cries and stepped away, deciding to focus on the nature and scenery outside of the window.

Hermione stepped towards Bella and pulled out her wand, pointing it towards the girl who was glaring with nothing but absolute loathing. Hermione was aware that Bella was what the Cullens called a shield but the witch was rather powerful and she knew she could break through the block, though it may cause the muggle a headache by the end of it.


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