Part 24

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Sam was the first to awaken the next morning, the memories of his and Hermione's night together came flashing back, causing a huge smile to appear on his face. He looked down at the sleeping figure that was currently curled up to his chest, he couldn't tear his eyes away from her peaceful features. The light from the opening of the tent came streaming in, shining down on her as if she was an angel and to be honest, in his eyes she was.

His attention was drawn to her eyes when they blinked open, taking a few moments to adjust to the light before a smile formed on her face as she stared up at him. A blush graced her cheeks as she glanced down, realising that they were still nude from their night together. She buried her face into his chest to hide her embarrassment, his chest vibrated as he chuckled and ran his fingers up and down her side.

"Good morning, baby" His husky voice sent chills down her spine, goosebumps forming on her skin.

"Good morning, indeed" She responded, gaining another chuckle from the shape shifter's mouth.

"We should get back home soon" She yawned and snuggled closer to him, her eyes drooping shut once again. Sam watched in amusement as she was on the verge of falling asleep, he shook his head and placed a kiss on his temple.

"You have to wake up" He whispered into her ear, making her shiver as she peeked through the slits of her eyes.

"I'll make breakfast," She said as she stretched, the blankets lowering as she did so, revealing her naked chest and stomach. He looked down in hunger, his eyes darkened as he let out a small growl. Hermione raised an eyebrow and watched as he raked her figure.

"Down boy" She teased and pulled away from him, standing up from the couch which didn't help with his hunger at all. She stood in all her naked glory, not caring one bit that she was walking around the tent without any clothes on. Sam observed her every move, every curve and scar, which he hadn't noticed last night. For him, her scars make her even more beautiful.

"What would you like?" She called out from the kitchen, he stood from the couch and made his way towards her. Her eyes immediately raked his body, the muscles that graced the majority of his body and his member... Which was shockingly hard. She licked her lips, her mind filled with last night's intimate activities and she found she couldn't focus on anything else.

"Hermione?" He called out and yet, no response. He raised an eyebrow as he watched her eyes move slowly up and down his body, the hunger in her eyes caused his wolf to puff his chest out in pride.

"Baby?" He snapped his fingers in front of her face, making her jump a little and raise her head to look up at him. A blush formed on her cheeks as she nibbled on her lower lip, though her eyes showed no embarrassment or shame about being caught.

"What would you like to eat?" she asked casually.

"Whatever you want, my love" He responded as he leaned forward against the kitchen island. She nodded her head with a shrug and began pulling ingredients from the refrigerator. Sam sat on one of the stalls and watched as she used her magic, which had become a common occurrence and yet, still amazed him.

As they ate, they talked, laughed and flirted as if they had been with each other for many years. They couldn't take their eyes off each other and they felt their bond grow as the minutes passed. The atmosphere was intense and thick, their lust and hunger for one another lingered in the air and all Hermione could think about is marking Sam as her mate.

"You know, we still haven't marked each other" Hermione said out of the blue, gaining a confused look from her mate.

"For witches and wizards who have taken certain animalistic tendencies, or in my case, being a wolf animagus and a vampire, when we find our mates, we tend to claim them as ours by biting into their necks. It connects you to that person, from what I've read and heard, you can feel each other's emotions, communicate in your mind and can sense where your mate is" Sam listened intensely to her explanation, he couldn't help but feel shocked that she was willing to do this with him. He knew she cared about him and that he was her mate, which was a rare but highly praised thing in her world but he never expected her to take this leap.

Together we howl (Complete) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin