Chapter 2

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Hermione POV

It's been a few weeks since the argument at the Burrow, I have yet to step foot back inside. I have been living with my parents, who returned to my childhood home not long after regaining their memories. The Weasley siblings, along with Harry have been extremely supportive and they have helped me more than they would ever know. Even Percy, who I never really got along with, has come to visit me on his days off and we would spend hours in my library, reading and discussing literature. I've come to learn that Percy is truly misunderstood, despite what others see, he's extremely caring and rather protective of those he cares about. He has had to live with people discriminating against his family for their lack of wealth, which results in hand me down clothes, second-hand books and rare occasions of luxury. It was only during the war that he truly understood, despite it all, he had something that most rich pureblood never did. He had a family that loved each other, he had parents that took the time to show just how loved and adored they were. He has siblings, and though he finds them irritating at times, he knows that no matter what, they would always have his back as he would have theirs.

I'm currently in my room, standing over my desk with my palms on either side of a large map. I focussed my attention on one specific country. As a child, I had always wanted to go travelling and experience different cultures but ever since going on the run with Harry and... Ronald, travelling for weeks, even months continuously wasn't something that I think I could handle. Don't get me wrong, I will spend some time in different places but I want somewhere that I could call home. Somewhere that has magic but a place where no one knows me. I decided to contact Kingsly, hoping he would know a place and thankfully, he did.

All my belongings were packed and shrunken down, making sure they were safe inside my leather jacket. I had emptied some money from my vault but made sure to keep a large amount inside. The goblins provided me with a special card, that works in both muggle and magical stores and also cashpoints which will also allow me to convert muggle money into Galleons and vis versa.

I looked into the mirror, noticing the difference that have occurred during the last few weeks. My hair reached my hips in tamed curls, I had dyed my hair chocolate brown with some lighter highlights. My nose now has a ring on the right side and due to the sudden heat that brightened up Britain, my skin was darker and my freckles stood out more. I looked down and noticed how different my figure has changed, luckily with help of some potions, my health has gotten much better due to the lack of food from when I was on the run. To help control my temper, I had started to work out and because of that, my figure changed into an hourglass, and my assets had somehow plumped up. Which was rather annoying because I had to buy new underwear and bras.

I had gone to a tattoo parlour, located in Diagon alley with Ginny, who had always wanted tattoos like her older brother, Charlie. Somehow, she had convinced me to not only get one but three. We got matching wolf tattoos on our forearms, when stroked, it moves and begins howling, though it's silent, of course. Ginny also decided to get wolf prints up her spine and a beautiful grey coloured rose on her shoulder. I loved the look of her spine tattoo, but I wanted something that represents the people that we lost. I remembered a quote that Sirius had repeatedly said, "The ones that love us, never really leave us" so I decided to get that. For a reason unknown to me, I wanted a large and more detailed version of the deathly hallows symbol, which I got on my ribs and it was rather painful. Thankfully, due to our magic, they were healed within the hour.

I took a deep breath and made my way downstairs, where my parents were waiting to say our goodbyes. They were extremely supportive of my decision and more than happy to travel to see me.

"You ready to leave, sweetheart?" My mother said softly as she approached. I nodded my head with teary eyes, she noticed immediately and pulled me into a hug, one full of love.

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