Chapter 3

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"What?" I whispered in disbelief, my heart thumping rapidly in my chest. She let out a small laugh and approached me.

"You're my sister, Hermione. I haven't got any sealed plans for the future and the ones that do will always involve you. I'm coming with you. remember what we promised" My eyes teared up and I let out a shaky breath.

"Always and forever" She nodded her head with a smile before pulling me into a hug.

"Always and forever, big sister"

"You are not going anywhere, Ginerva Weasley" Mrs Weasley shouted, causing everyone to flinch back. Ginny let out a quiet groan before pulling away whilst I let out a subtle giggle and stepped aside.

"Mum, I'm eighteen years old and legally an adult, in our world and the muggle. Hermione is my soul bond, she's my sister in everything but blood, we have a bond that only Harry could understand. You can't tell me what to do anymore" Molly opened her mouth but decided otherwise, she clenched her jaw and stumped out of the room like a child having a tantrum. I cast a nonverbal silencing charm around the room, knowing that the next part of the information is important.

"I've already found a house, it's on the border of La Push and Forks in washington. It's got plenty of rooms but I'm able to create more if needed, you're all more than welcome to visit and I'll contact Harry for the name so you'll be able to floo. I have one question though" They nodded their heads.

"I do not want Molly nor Ronald to know our destination. I love Molly but I can't trust that she won't tell Ron"

"We understand Hermione, we won't say a word"

"Thank you, we have one more destination to visit before we leave. I love you all and thank you for understanding, I'll miss you" They all approached us and one by one, they hugged us before Ginny and I made our way to the fireplace. I stepped inside and grabbed hold of some floo powder.

"Wait, you have your things right?" I asked and Ginny nodded her head. I took a deep breath.

"Lupin-Black manor" And with that, I  tossed the powder into the fire.

As I landed at my destination, I stepped out of the fireplace and removed all the soot from my clothes with a flick of my hand. The fireplace lit up and Ginny stepped through, I let out a giggle when I noticed some soot on the tip of her nose.

"Why are you laughing," she asked with a raised eyebrow, I pointed at my nose and her eyes went crossed as she tried to see the dirt on hers.

"Fucking Soot" She groaned before grabbing her wand and vanishing it all. I rolled my eyes fondly and we made our way through the large manor and into the garden, where Remus and Sirius spend most of their time. I looked wide-eyed at the scene before us. On the garden couch, sat Remus with a book in his hand but was staring at Sirius, who was in his dog form and was chasing some birds that had landed on the grass.

"Cubs" Remus greeted us with a large smile and placed his book on the glass table before he began to approach us.

"Alpha," We said in unison with our heads bowed in respect.

"Give me a hug," He said, causing large smiles to appear on our faces before we rushed toward him. We tumbled over, all three of us landing on the ground in hysterical laughter. He placed his face in our necks, inhaling our scent.

"How are my two favourite girls" He questioned as we removed ourselves from the ground and made sat on the couch.

"A lot has happened uncle Moony" Ginny sighed. Remus' eyebrows furrowed in concern and his back straightened, Padfoot must have felt the change in the atmosphere because he changed back into his human form and greeted us with tight hugs.

Together we howl (Complete) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz