Chapter 9

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The next morning was hectic, Ginny and I were enthusiastic, too enthusiastic in Luna's opinion, about seeing Paul and Sam again. Of course, I looked forward to seeing Jared and I hoped to see Jacob soon as well, for an unknown reason, I feel extremely protective of them all. I had always been rather maternal and motherly, especially with those I care about but this feeling was more intense.

After my long shower, I changed into some blue skinny jeans and a bralette, which reveals all three of my tattoos. I decided on some light make-up, just a simple mascara and lipgloss, and put my hair into a fish braid. Once I was satisfied with how I looked, I went downstairs to start breakfast for everyone, making sure to cook a lot more for grown shapeshifting wolves.

"Well, don't you look sexy" Ginny complimented as she slapped my arse. I let out a gasp before giggling as she wiggles her eyebrows. A minute or so later, Luna entered with a wide smile.

"Good morning" She sings cheerfully, I look at Ginny with a raised eyebrow to which she simply shrugged and greeted Luna with a kiss on the cheek.

"Good morning, you seem happy this morning"

"I believe the wrackspurts decided to leave me alone" She responded softly, causing Ginny to roll her eyes with a small laugh whilst I nod my head in understanding. Luna had always been rather odd, though it took us a long time to realise that she was able to see things that we weren't, and whatever she says, we need to listen to. The benefit of being friends with a seer, we know which route will lead us to the right decision and which one would not.

I continued with making breakfast, stacks upon stacks of pancakes, along with some bacon, eggs and freshly squeezed orange juice, unless they would rather have some tea or coffee. It wasn't long until the doorbell rang, Ginny jumped from her seat instantly and ran to the door, causing Luna and me to laugh at her eagerness. As she strolled back into the door, she sent us a half-hearted glare as we watched her in amusement.

"Good morning boys, come and sit, breakfast is ready" I announce and watch as their eyes light up. As they took their seats, a large smile formed on my face when I spot a figure hovering in the doorway, standing awkwardly.

"Jacob, sit your arse down and eat" I demanded softly, his eyes widened slightly before rushing towards the spot beside Luna. She looked over at him with a large smile, to which he returned, though not as bright but more awkwardly.

"This is delicious" Paul groaned with his mouth full, making my nose scrunch up in disgust.

"Paul, don't talk whilst you're eating" I sighed. He swallowed his mouthful and mumbled an apology before returning to his meal. I turned towards Sam, who was watching me with a dazed look.

"Are you alright, Sammy?" I questioned as I waved my hand in front of his face. He immediately snapped out of it and tilted his head in confusion, causing me to giggle.

"Are you alright? You seemed a little dazed" I repeated.

"Yeah, sorry I was daydreaming" He responded with a nervous chuckle, I raised an eyebrow but nodded and turned back towards the coffee machine.

"How is school, boys?" I asked as I placed a cup of coffee in front of Luna, Ginny and Sam.

"Boring," said Jared.

"Same old," said Paul with a shrug. I look at Jacob, who was pushing the food around on his plate, my eyebrows furrowed in worry.

"Jacob? Are you alright? , Is the food bad? I can make something else?" I questioned in a flustered manner. His eyes widened slightly but I noticed his lips twitching.

"The food is amazing Hermione, I'm just stressed" He mumbled the last bit, but thankfully my enhanced hearing was able to pick it up.

"You're only stressed because Bella won't date you" Paul interrupted with an irritated tone. Jacob shot him a glare, to which Paul simply smirked in response.

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