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"Excellent once again, Mr. Maronn," Slughorn said with a smile on his face.

Coming to class had started to get tiring and he was considering not turning up soon or later.

But after all, Leyla told him to live his life to the fullest.

Fixing some cabinet in a dusty old room wasn't exactly what you'd call living your life to the fullest.

Seeing the glare on Granger's face on the other hand... was more like it.

Of course, he had been grateful for what she had done, but that didn't mean he had forgiven her, let alone forget about their academic rivalry that had been going on for about five or six years.

In response, the raven nodded his head and went back to focusing back on his work.

There was another reason why he had decided to show his full potential.

Not too long ago, he had been informed by Snape, to do so and somehow win the favour of Professor Slughorn.

He told him it would bring him an advantage.

Carter didn't understand why but decided to listen to the professor.

But something, really, really annoyed him.


Potter was never good in potions, hell he used to suck in it. But now?

It was as if he had transformed into some sort of potion genius.

The raven rolled his eyes mentally and proceeded with whatever it was that he was doing.

Soon the bell rang and everyone began to pack their things.

He grabbed his books and was about to leave the classroom when his name got called.

"Mr Maronn I'd like to discuss a few things with you if you wouldn't mind."

He nodded his head, still confused about why only he had to stay after.

For as far as he knew he hadn't missed any potions classes.

Not to mention the part in which he was taking the subject out of free will since he aced his OWL so well, they told him he wasn't obligated to do so anymore.

He watched as the crowd left and the classroom became empty and then decided to turn to the teacher.

"Is something wrong professor?"

With an amused smile, Slughorn looked at him, which creeped him out even more.

"I've noticed you're quite the excellent student, aren't you Mr Maronn? Today's your lucky day, you managed to completely capture my attention."

He clapped his hands, a grin was displayed on the professor's face.

"What would you say, Carter, would you like to join the Slug Club?"

*      *       *

"You're later than usual" Draco muttered as soon as Carter entered the room.

The boy shrugged. "A few things happened, he replied, finally being able to lie down on the bed.

"Such as?"

"Got accepted to Slughorns club."

Immediately, Draco stopped whatever he was doing and stared at the raven in disbelief.

"Are you serious?" His breath hitched when he said it and for some reason, Carter regretted telling him.

Was he mad at him?

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