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"You wanna go to hogsmead?"

Draco looked up from one of his books and stared right into Carter's eyes.

The raven haired boy had layed his head on the blond's shoulder as they were sitting in the common room.

There weren't that much people around since it was weekend and had gone out.

Draco closed his book and put it on the table before turned toward his boyfriend.

He looked around quickly before planting a quick kiss on Carter's lips.

"Why not?"

"But let's get breakfast first, I'm hungry."


Draco wrapped a scarf around himself as he stared out of the window.

It was already starting to get cold, it was around mid October, so it made sense in some sort of way.

"Where are you going? Date?" Blaise, who was laying in bed, taunted.

The blond snapped his head toward the boy and narrowed his eyes. "No, why would you even think of that?"

"Just guessing" he laughed before turning to his side.

"But by your tone I assume it sort of is huh?"

Dracos cheeks flushed a shade of pink, which he immediately tried to hide. He turned back to the mirror and looked at his reflection.

All of the sudden, the blond was feeling nervous.

Was it a date?

They had gone out on a date before, this summer.

He had enjoyed it a lot.

So why was he feeling so anxious?

"Why are you even here? Don't you have somewhere to go with Parkinson?" He turned his eyes sideways, only to see Blaise's back.

"I'm having a cold in case you didn't notice" he said, grabbing a tissue from the box.

Draco held a hand through his hair again before deciding to leave his dorm.

A date...

Did Carter see it as a date?

What Blaise had said was something thst was running through his head nonstop ever since it had been said.

"Stop being such an idiot, the two of you had gone out before" the slytherin muttered to himself as he walked up the stairs carefully to make sure he wouldn't fall when they shifted.

That was honestly such an annoying thing about Hogwarts.

Those damn moving stairs. Not to mention that if you were to fall, it would be your own problem.

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