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Leyla never had been able to stand The thought of her mother spending her entire lifetime in Azkaban.

Even though she couldn't even remember her and only knew her from the pictures.

Even though she escaped last year and she had never heard a single word from her. Maybe she forgot that her daughter existed.

"It's Mad-Eye Moody, I still don't understand why didn't they send him back to Azkaban where he belongs" Parkinson said loudly.

A deep frown was displayed on the dark-haired girl's face as she stared at her plate.

Her mother obviously didn't care about her. Leyla let out a groan and shook her head.

What had she expected after all?

Her entire family thought she was just like her and turned their backs against her even though to the outside world it may not have seemed like it.

She was the black sheep of the family tree at the moment.

What a bother.

For some reason she had decided to look up from her plate, only to make immediate eye contact with  Carter.

He might have had a similar expression on his face as Leyla probably had at the moment.

She, of course, didn't know much about his situation except for the basics.

Mother went mad one day and tried to kill him and his dad.

Right his dad...he felt sorry for his dad, not to mention the fact that she had KNOWN he would die.

But that's the thing with fate, you shouldn't try to do anything for it to change.

Doesnt mean that it is fair, far from it actually. Fate can be beautiful,magical but also hideous.

She wished that shat she could've just been born the way other wizards had been.

Without that stupid sixth sense. Sake she didn't even get where on earth she got it from.

It didn't matter, things were the way they were and there wasn't,in anything she could do in order to change it.

That was the truth after all.

The tips of the boy's hair started to get a shade of white. He looked at her and clenched his teeth.

He wanted to leave just as much as she did.

Suddenly, the Maronn boy got out of his seat.

Draco, Parkinson and Zabini looked frowning at him but he decided to ignore them, walking towards her.

"Come on, let's leave." He muttered, quietly. Leyla couldn't help but grab his hand.

She had never known why,but she had always had a sort of weakness for him.

Maybe it was because she could see through that stupid façade of his.

She somehow knew that he was the way he was so others wouldn't perceive him as weak.

Proof of that,was the fact he started to act out during their second year. In their first he was rather quiet and more friendly.

It wasn't exactly her problem,the way he would cope with things but still. She did often found herself worrying about him.

She looked at their strangled hands for a second and began to think of it as a bad idea to grab it, only for him to hold on even thighter.

His hair started to get lighter and lighter as he turned left, the moonlight shining upon his face.

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