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This year would be completely different.

Carter could feel it. He had also been relieved when Harry didn't get expelled but still couldn't get the dream he had before out of his head.

Today he was going back to Hogwarts and he honestly didn't want to.

This year another person would die.

"Maronn, you've been in the bathroom for nearly a hour!" Granger snapped, disturbing his oh so peaceful mind.

The raven quickly looked at himself in the mirror and unlocked the door, seeing her standing totally pissed.

"Calm down, you won't need much time with you looking like that everyday" he said smirking,only for her head got as red as as a tomato. Before she could say anything, he walked away,tapping her on the shoulder midway.

"Morning" he said while sitting down next to Tonks.

"Morning." The rest of the table muttered as they concentrated back on something Lupin was saying.


"So what exactly happend between you and Malfoy?" Harry asked as they all enterd King Cross Station.

Even by metioning his name, made Carter's blood rise. Again, he hated Malfoy for what he had done. It had been about a month since he had left Malfoy Manor.

"We had a fight." The boy answered with narrowed eyes.


"He never even liked me to even begin with" Carter muttered under his breath, looking bitter while telling him.

"Padfoot, are you barking mad?" Mad eye hissed as a black dog made his way past them.It was cool that Sirius was able yo do that.

"You'll blow the entire operation!"

Harry chuckled as he didn't answer but just ignored him and walked away. The whistle of the Hogwarts Express blew and Carter started to walk a bit faster.

"Come with me for a moment" Tonks muttered as she suddenly rabbed my arm and dragged him away from the group.

Did he do something?

"Tonks? What-"

"We need to talk."

"Alright" the raven frowned his eyebrows as the two sat down. "

I need you to join the Order of the Phoenix, it's been tradition."

Carter knew about them from what Sirius and Lupin had said over the last month he had spend with them.

"What do you mean with tradition?"

She reached into her pocket and held a picture out. "I think you would like to see it yourself." She handed it to Carter and, as he held it, his eyes widened.

There he stood.

His father had been a member of the Order. He had helped defeating Voldemort with them. Tears started brimming Carter's vision as he looked at her.

Was he not so bad after all?

"Is that-"

"Yes, and from the moment I saw you, I knew that you were his son."

"I'm asking you because I know you will do great."

"But my father was a Slytherin" he mumbled as he looked frowning at the photo. He stood there with a huge smile on his face, his arm wrapped around a woman who looked fimiliar to him for some reason.

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