Chapter 3. The Prophet

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"Harry, you need us," Hermione said, her voice filled with concern as she leaned against the railing. Ron bumped Harry's shoulder on his other side, silently showing his support. They watched as Fawkes disappeared into the sunset. "No matter what task Dumbledore gave you, we'll stand by you." Harry looked at Hermione, her honey-brown eyes conveying sincerity. Ron even went so far as to wrap his arm around Harry's shoulder, preventing him from responding.

"She's right, mate." Ron confirmed, "You couldn't get rid of us in our first year with one of your speeches, and you're not getting rid of us now." Ron's piercing blue eyes stared down into Harry's vivid green ones, "We're with you, Mate. All the way." Hermione wrapped her arm around Harry's waist, leaning her head against his shoulder. Affirming clearly,



Harry stared up at the stained, water-marked ceiling as the sunlight streamed in through the curtains, as he listened to unfamiliar snores and a familiar tune of a bird song. His mind was screaming as it ran a mile a minute, still trying to comprehend what had happened and how he had to now rely on three strangers he had just met to help him in this new world and who also saw him just as a child, despite his experience in fighting a war. He was not an adult in their eyes. Shown thus by how Sam had treated him last night. He was going full Mrs Weasley on him. Sam had ensured Harry had washed up and had some food, even though he was weary of Harry and still saddened by his brother's abrupt departure. Harry had silently observed as Sam opened a metal book sideways and started tapping on it with a concentrated look. His dark brown eyes persisted in glancing quickly at the front door as Harry munched on his sandwich slowly. A sandwich that Sam had gone out to get for him while he was washing up. Harry's throat had tightened up the moment Sam passed it to him, the uncomfortable feeling churning in his gut at Sam's unconditional kindness towards him.

Harry was sure his reaction sent some alarm bells off in Sam by how he could see Sam side-eyeing him after that, though it could have also been that he did come back out from his shower in different clothes. But Harry was too exhausted to even talk about it, and it would have probably led to him explaining the function of Hermione's small beaded bag, which he didn't have the energy to do. He just wanted to fall into a deep sleep and hope that all of this was a dream. But no, here he was, still staring up at the stained, water-marked ceiling, not getting a wink of sleep.

Harry's eyes had just started to drift, but then his stomach dropped as he heard the motel door open. Freezing in place as he held his breath, slowly moving his hand over the elder wand, he listened as the person shuffled about the room. Harry was ready to fight if the person so much as took a step towards him.

"Kid", Harry's body instantly relaxed as he heard the gruff voice call out gently ", It's just me. You're safe. No one is going to attack." Harry slowly looked up to catch sight of Dean sitting on his bed, looking drained. Still, his forest-green eyes focused intently on Harry, with an emotion blazing through that Harry didn't quite recognise before it quickly disappeared. "Try to get some sleep. We leave in a few hours." Harry watched as Dean kicked his boots off and fell backwards onto the bed with a sigh before Harry himself laid back down, curling up his knees to his chest and wrapping his arm around them. This time the moment Harry closed his vivid green eyes, he quickly fell into dreams of war.

"The boy who lived, come to die..." the cold voice announced softly as ruby-red eyes locked with Harry's emerald green one. Closing them tightly, Harry let out a gentle breath; he was ready as he waited for the two words that had forever haunted his nightmares. "AVARDA KADAVRA!"

Harry jumped up with a start as a large hand gently shook his shoulder, his heart pounding in his chest as the remnants of green light flashed behind his eyes. Harry roughly jutted his shoulder from the large hand's grip, regretting it instantly as the movement sent searing pain through his chest. He quickly curled in on himself to steady the pain and catch his breath.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2023 ⏰

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