Chapter 2. Winchester Brothers

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"It shouldn't be possible..."

The man whispered.

Harry had to admit that he would never get used to the bizarre situations he found himself in, but it always made it a hundred times worse when Hermion and Ron weren't by his side. Merlin Harry knew he wasn't the brains of the group. It was his crazy luck that usually saved them, Hermione's knowledge of everything they came up across and Ron's common sense from growing up in the wizarding world where Harry and Hermione always turned to the muggle way of a view. But there was no muggle view of what had just happened to Harry, and Harry knew he had fucked up as he peered down at the wand in his hand and the motel room he had landed in, with the man in the trench coat still mumbling to himself loudly as he examined Harry.

The tension in the room turned suffocating at the mumbled word of magic, and Harry's nerves skyrocketed as his vivid green eyes tried to ignore the two men covered in blood who watched him closely, both men ready to strike if need be, but also they kept watch of the man in the trench coat who still continued to crouch in front of Harry. The man's blue eyes lit with astonishment as he studied Harry like a new puzzle, poking and prodding him.

"Can you please back off?" Harry asked once again to no avail as the man continued staring at him, making Harry's eye twitch in annoyance as the man disregarded his cries of protest. Harry watched as the man's hand reached out again to poke his forehead. Making Harry cringe. It was bad enough when people stared at his scar, but when they tried to touch it, it just creeped Harry out, so he pulled back sharply to avoid another prod, his left-hand throwing out behind him, hitting the floor to catch his balance. Harry gasped as the electrifying pain flared up his arm into his chest. Harry clenched his teeth harshly, but a whimper still slipped out, compelling the two men covered in blood to take a step forward.

"Cas, what's going on?" the particularly tall man requested. Harry could see his deep brown eyes filled with worry as he kept glancing between him and the man standing next to him, whose own greens eyes narrowed with vigilance on the man in the trench coat, waiting for his answer. A gun in hand, ready to shoot. Harry swallowed deeply at the gun honed in on him, understanding the man would shoot him if the man in the trench coat told them he was a threat. "I thought you had healed him?" The tall man questioned.

"I'm sorry." the man ignored the tall man's question and spoke to Harry ", I can't heal your chest fully." the man's blue eyes looked at Harry's chest with concern. "You were hit by significantly dark magic-" again, with the word magic, Harry could see the two men had both gone on alert, pointing their guns entirely at him. But Harry's vivid green eyes were locked on the blue eyes of the man crouched in front of him"-the wound has to heal on its own, or the curse scar will rip open if I try to heal it more." His blue eyes glance up at Harry's forehead." the same way that scar did." Harry's hand reached up to tentatively feel the scar. He had always thought the curse ripped it open on impact.

"Cas!" the gruff voice snaps out. Making Harry jump in fright, breaking his eye contact with the man in the trench coat. "Is HE a threat?" the gruff voice growled out. Harry's vivid green eyes widened as he examined the man who had helped him and gulped. The man had his gun readily pointed at Harry. His stance was fixed, but his forest green eyes harboured a small amount of distress, just looking slightly above Harry's nest of black hair. "Kid. Who are you?" Harry quickly opened his mouth to answer, hoping the gun would finally point away from him. Otherwise, his heart was going to leap out of his chest.

"No. I don't believe so", The man in the trench coat answered, cutting Harry off before he could speak, "though... he could be.", the man carried on nonchalantly as he stood up, making Harry's heart stop as he stared up at the man with wide horror-filled eyes, before quickly shifting to the guns pointed at him. "I don't know this child, to say for sure. Though I do know that it shouldn't be possible for him to be here." The man turned to look at the two men. His face scrunched up into a frown. "Something powerful has brought him here and has seemed to deem the two of you safe for allowing the boy-" Harry flinched "-to land in front of you, in his condition."

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