I quickly agreed and we marched off in a random direction, almost instantly running into Chan and Hyunjin, grouped with Beomgyu, Changbin and Seungmin.

"Oh hey!" Beomgyu said settling down his red solo cup. He offered us hugs, everyone seemed to be in a good mood tonight. Maybe it was just me being slightly uncomfortable in the crowded atmosphere. "You guys want a drink?"

"Nah, we are hunting down our boyfriends. They be acting sus." Hyuka said.

"But I'm right here." Hyunjin giggled and kissed my forehead.

"Not you, dumbie. Blondie." Hyuka said and Hyunjin raised a brow at that.

"What's he doing?"

"Keeping secrets." I pouted and crossed my arms.

"In that case, let's go hunt him down." Hyunjin laughed, finishing what was left in his bottle.

"I'll come too!" Beomgyu said, and gave Chan a quick kiss on the cheek. "Iloveyoubye!" The last phrase he said so fast it was almost incoherent.

The four of us marched off, arms around each other and heads turning in search for the suspects. We were all stomping together in unison and we looked at each other, only to start laughing.

"That's Felix right there, right?" Beomgyu pointed to a gorgeous blonde with a face covered in freckles. It sure was, and he was talking to Jisung. I watched as he slipped him something small but I couldn't quite see what it was.

"Yea. It is. Good eye Gyu!" Hyuka said a darted for them and we followed in his footsteps.

He hopped to a stop in front of them, startling the both of them and Jisung quickly shoved his hand into his pocket.

"Hello, Mister Sussypants." Hyuka leaned his arm on Jisung's shoulder. "And hello you too, Mister Imposter." He directed at Felix and he laughed. Hyunjin grabbed his arm and shook him.

"I CAUGHT THE IMPOSTER!" He yelled and I could help but bend over from laughing so hard.

"We were just talking." Jisung claimed with a laughter and I kept my mouth shut on what I saw. I told Felix I could keep a secret so imma prove it.

As everyone else become distracted by conversation, I maneuvered my way over to him and leaned over his shoulder. "So what'd you give him?" I whispered. "Drugs?"

He looked at me surprised as if he hasn't known I saw. "Uhmm... nothing."

"Come on, if I were to say something wouldn't I have said it in front of everyone?" I asked keeping my voice quiet and looking to make sure no one was listening in.

He sighed and grabbed my arm to pull me away.

"It's not that I don't trust you not to say something, Innie. It's that Jisung asked me not to say anything to anyone. Including you and Hyunjin."

"Why'd he even ask you? Why not Hyunjin?"

"Baby, you know Hyunjin can't really keep a secret to save his life."

"That's fair." I nodded.

"Please just leave it alone until he decides to share okay?" He asked and I sighed with a nod. "If I could tell you, I would and you know that. But I made a promise. I'm trying to keep all my promises."

"Okay, I get it. I'll leave it alone." I said and thanked me with a kiss on the cheek. When we got back to the group, I noticed the rest of our friends had gathered, and there was a boy with Jungkook I have never seen before.

Chan offered me a cup filled almost to the brim. And I mentally said fuck it.

I took it and instantly tipped it back as I chugged. My friends started clapping and cheering for me.

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