Jedi Crusade

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Ahoska Tano's residence, Kiros

Damir arrived on Kiros with the credits that he received from Dryden Vos. He landed his HH-87 starhopper and Ahoska greeted him outside with a Mandalorian that dons similar colors to the 332nd clone division.

"Welcome Damir," Ahsoka said with a smile. "I assume you have the credits?"

"Indeed," Damir replied as he gave the credits to Ahsoka. "I also had a second duel with Taloh. I'm afraid that he won't come home."

Ahsoka lowered her head, "It may not have worked with you, but I'm sure that he won't harm me."

"Ahoska," Damir said shocked. "You haven't seen how enraged he is and is willing to do anything to prevent the Jedi Order from returning."

"Taloh is not going to kill me," Ahoska said in an optimistic tone. "One of the reasons why he fell to the Dark Side was when I was falsely accused of bombing the Jedi Temple showing that he was rather attached to me similar to Anakin."

"He was falling for you wasn't he?" Damir asked sadly.

"I sensed it after the battle of Agamar," Ahsoka replied. "When I saved him from General Grievous, I sensed in his aura that he harbored feelings for me which explained his anger towards the Council."

"For now," Damir said. "Is there a way that we can try to destroy the Empire and his fortress without destroying him?"

"It won't be easy," Ahoska said in deep thought. "But it is not impossible."

"We must prepare to form a large scale Rebellion then." Damir said. "But we need more support."

"Senator Bail Organa and Senator Mon Mothma have been funding small rebel cells and plan to unite into one faction," Ahoska replied.

"Very well," Damir said with a nod. "Once the Empire falls, we can finally restore the Jedi Order."

"Damir," Ahoska said as she showed Damir Taloh's old lightsaber. " Taloh is not the only concern. He has also built a fortress on the planet Nam Chorios which actually is a super weapon with enough firepower to decimate an entire city or continent."

"We must prepare for the worst then," Damir said. "We must prepare for a Galactic Civil War. If the Empire wants a fight, we must be ready."

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