Return of an ally

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Ord Mantell,

Damir found The Stinger Mantis and was greeted by Cal Kestis, BD-1, Greez Dritus, Cere Junda, and Nightsister Merrin.

"Damir," Cal said as the two Jedi shook hands. "It's great to know that more Jedi have survived the Purge. Hopefully we can overthrow The Empire one day if we stand together. The Empire is only getting stronger. We have to stop them before they become nearly impossible to defeat."

"Indeed," Damir said. "However we have a mission, there is an Imperial kyber refinery on Pantora. We have to deliver a small shipment of kyber crystals to Dryden Vos in exchange for a large supply of credits. Credits we can use to launch a crusade against The Empire."

Damir and Cal activated The Mantis' holotable and a map of the base appeared.

"There is a large blockade composed of two Star Destroyers and four light cruisers," Damir said.

"There is no way that we can just drop out of hyperspace and slip past undetected. Cal said studying the blockade. "The Mantis does not have cloaking technology."

"There has to be a way that we cannot be detected even though this ship does not have a cloaking device," Damir replied. "What of scrambling signals?"

"It can work," Cere said. "However it can only scramble our position for such a long time."

"I can help with that," Merrin said. "I can conduct another ritual just like on Nur. It will cloak the ship and they won't detect us."

"Very well," Damir said. "Let's get moving."

Greez walked over to the cockpit and The Mantis later took off and jumped into hyperspace. Damir sat next to Cal and Merrin.

"I remember during the war when you and your brother Taloh saved my master and I from octuptarra droid fire," Cal said. "Whatever happened to Taloh? Did he survive the purge?"

Damir sighed and looked downward, "No. He did not unfortunately."

"I'm sorry," Cal said placing his hand on Damir's shoulder.

"It's okay," Damir said with a small smile. "On to bigger things now."

Damir then went to the back of The Mantis and he held a mirror and started to cut his shoulder length hair shorter feeling more confident.

"We're coming out of hyperspace," Greez said over the intercom.

Damir hoped that what Ahsoka told him could benefit them in their struggle against The Empire and lead him one step closer to bringing Taloh back to the light.

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