The Lost Prince

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The Spire, Zakuul

Taloh landed his fighter at the Spire on his homeworld of Zakuul and would like to speak with Vanessa about the hunt for Damir. As he exited his fighter, two knights escorted him to the throne room. As he arrived, he saw Vanessa standing next to Athena and removed his helmet. As Taloh approached the throne, Vanessa ran over to him and gave him a hug.

"Taloh!" Vanessa said with tears in her eyes. "I've heard rumors that you did not survive the Purge. I guess we can put those rumors to rest then."

Taloh then approached Athena and gave her a hug as well, "I've missed you so much mother. Where's father?"

Vanessa lowered her head, "He passed away two years ago of an illness."

Taloh froze, "Why didn't you contact me?" He asked as he started to tear up.

"We did not know if you survived the Purge," Vanessa said. "Now,, where is Damir?"

"You missed a lot Vanessa," Taloh replied. "It is true that I am the Dragon of Zakuul, however it could have been avoided if the Jedi Council did not try to have me killed and Damir listened to them and did not do anything to stop them."

"Taloh are you listening to yourself?" Vanessa said concerned. "Maybe Damir was trying to find a way to change their mind and maybe for your own good."

"That's not all," Taloh said lowering his head. "The Jedi even tried to overthrow the Republic. With that said we had to stop the Jedi before they launched a coup in league with the Separatists."

"There is no way that the Jedi would be capable of something like this," Vanessa said in a confused tone. "It has to be for a reason. So what now?"

"I have been tasked by the Emperor to hunt him down and any other surviving Jedi," Taloh said lowering his head. "Hopefully he will renounce his loyalty to the Jedi and we can bring him home."

Vanessa nodded her head and gave Taloh another hug, "Just be careful Taloh. I just haven't seen you since after the invasion."

"I promise that no harm will come to Zakuul ever again," Taloh said. "The Emperor is making sure that Zakuul is safe and free. I promise that this conflict will be over soon."

Vanessa then watched as Taloh left the throne room and climbed inside his fighter. She had hoped that her brother is still inside the dragon and would slay the darkness inside and bring the conflict to an end.

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