Jedi Of Sorgan

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It was a peaceful and sunny day on Sorgan. Farmers were harvesting krill to make spotchka and had no Imperial presence. Traumatized about the duel on Cato Neimoidia, Damir Matarrin hoped that he could try to redeem Taloh but first he must not be discovered by The Empire by krill farming. His comlink began to ring and realized it was using the code Fulcrum. A beautiful togruta with curved lightsabers and longer montrals appeared but Damir recognized her as Ahsoka Tano.

"Damir," Ahsoka said. "There has been a reported attack on Fortress Inquisitorius led by Jedi Knight Cal Kestis and Jedi Master Cere Junda."

Damir was shocked, "If the Jedi have launched an attack on Nur, then we should begin to form a Rebel cell to challenge The Empire and even maybe just maybe, bring Taloh home."

"Damir," Ahsoka said. "I know you care for Taloh's well-being, but as you experienced on Cato Neimoidia, he won't turn back."

"I'm still going to try," Damir said. "He's my brother. I won't let The Emperor corrupt him anymore."

"It's too dangerous," Ahsoka said. "You are putting not only yourself at risk, but our plan will fail if we lose you."

Damir sighed, "So how are we going to find this Rebel cell?"

"I have spoken to Senator Bail Organa and he has a Rebel cell formed but we need more resources and credits," Ahsoka said. "You are though in the outer rim which are controlled by Crime Syndicates and beyond The Empire's jurisdiction."

"There have been some Crimson Dawn enforcers at the Sorgan Common House," Damir said. "Are you saying that I take a job for them and pretend to earn credits to fund the rebellion?"

"If that's the only way," Ahsoka replied. "Do not reveal yourself as a Jedi since Crimson Dawn is extremely vicious and will kill anyone including Jedi and Imperials."

"I will," Damir replied. "I will not fail and we hope that this can bring us a step closer to restoring the Jedi Order."

"May the force be with you Damir," Ahsoka said with a small smile.

Damir then nodded his head as Ahsoka vanished from the holoprojector. As he was packing, he sensed a presence in the force that he was being watched. He ignited his lightsaber and noticed that only a frog passed by him and then deactivated his lightsaber. He then proceeded to a speeder that took him to The Common House to speak with Crimson Dawn. However, in the woods, a Mandalorian with red and black armor was watching Damir leave his farm and sent a small probe droid as the speeder moved.

"Inform Lord Matarrin, that I found a Jedi," The mysterious Mandalorian said.

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